So you want to main Yae Miko | Genshin Impact Guide

wow yae miko side booba be like, “My line only exist in 2D.”
Sad Day for 3D.

Check out this epic Yae Miko Lofi –

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Groose’s Theme – The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

The Apex of the World | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Source: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Arrangement Supervisor: Akihiro Honda
Vocals: Buttercup*
Arrangement: Cygames, Inc.
Composition Copyright Nintendo / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS
Arrangement Copyright Nintendo

Ryūtarō Naruhodō Objection! 2017 – The Great Ace Attorney 2 Music Extended
Yoshi’s Story (64) _ Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Pokemon BlackWhite – Battle! Team Plasma Music (HQ)
Battle! (Lorekeeper Zinnia) | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart) – Mozart
When I Was A Boy – Tokyo Music Walker


48 thoughts on “So you want to main Yae Miko | Genshin Impact Guide”

  1. Early Leaks says she suppose to be a Main DPS and can be as strong as the Top 3, Ganyu,Xiao and Hu tao but idk they've must nerf her. I got her and I must say she's a great emotional support to me because seeing her at my team makes me happy, and the way she talks calms me down like for example She missed the target again with her burst and I'll be like "Oh no not again" and then she takes heavy hit from the hilichurls and she'll be like "Ah ah ah" and i will apologize to her and kill every hilichurl using Zhongli's burst

  2. Reasons why I use emblem with her: I have like 5 characters total who need artifacts from that domain, whereas the Thundering fury one would be just for Yae

  3. second things first: THE THUMBNAIL IS SO PRETTY EXCUSE ME
    first things second: had a blast while watching this video honestly..i just took a chemistry exam today and the last question made me lose hope and sanity so thank you for making this wonderful video and also on you’re time to make it 🙂
    stay safe everyone! i wish you the best <3

  4. Yae is good in any non cryo team if you build her for skill damage instead of burst.
    You don't need to worry that much about her recharge because her skill is the main source of damage. You don't need to burst in every rotation, just use it whenever it's ready.

    I particulaly like her in fireworks comps (pyro + hydro + electro).

  5. Another team that is possible is the AFK team.

    Albedo, Zhongli, Miko and Kokomi (or Mona). All you do is place down skills and then watch the 6+ DoTs kill enemies all around you while getting simultaneously shielded and healed (if you have Kokomi). Ults are optional, but fun to use.

    Great video as always! Hilarious!

  6. Idk if I wanna grab her yet.. I thunk she's awesome but so many youtubers blew the hype I had for her. I still need maybe like 6 characters. I need her, akaya, shenhe,jean,kequing,child,kokomi, and kazyha?

  7. skyward isn't as bad as it is, provided that you could get a healthy amount of crit rate and crit dmg, it does help at least although there's a high chance you might have diminishing returns due to the extremely high atk value. the passive on the other hand gives you a flat 12% elemental dmg which is similar to kagura's elemental buff after 3 stacks except you don't get the 36% skill dmg bonus. imho, it's better than lost prayer for my case (i have lost prayer)

    nuff said, only use skyward if you could achieve a 70/200 purely from artifacts alone which is highly difficult otherwise just go lost prayer for easier stat stick

  8. Other people have added their AFK/semi-AFK teams so here's my troll exploration team. Yae, Venti, Albedo, Zhongli. Venti's Q + passive will help with Yae's recharge. Albedo's Q + passive will give EM to Venti and Yae. Zhongli is for shred, geo resonance, and shield so the squishies don't die. Set everyone's shit down, throw ults when they're up, everything dies in the clusterfuck


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