PULL OR SAVE FOR FONTAINE? Updated Kokomi & Wanderer Review | Genshin Impact 3.8

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edited by me and xxalanchangxx:

Initial Info (0:00)
Kokomi Review [Detailed] (0:40)
Wanderer Review & Does He Need Faruzan C6? [Detailed] (8:08)
Should You Pull or Save for Fontaine? (21:28)



42 thoughts on “PULL OR SAVE FOR FONTAINE? Updated Kokomi & Wanderer Review | Genshin Impact 3.8”


    Wanderer part was so long but i already tried to trim as much as i can (i talked a lot)… as I had to also talk about faruzan & her constellations to clear things up, so I hope that helped.
    This video came out at the same time as the banners. i wasnt late, you were early.

  2. I pulled for Wanderer and His weap (Got donut and His weap) but he helped me 8/9 floor 12(First half with wolves sucks T^T.) but this is without Faruzan nor bennette

  3. WOW! You really did post afterall right after I burned all of my primos for Wanderdog!@!%!^! ^&&$^@$$ (super worth it tho at C4 R1)

    *Edit. Just finished the vid and might as well suggest my own personal fav. team rn with Wanderer's real mommy, Jean! (only if you have the resources too ofc) C4 Jean, C4 Wanderer, C6 Faruzan and C5 Bennett.

  4. can anyone give me advice …i have xiao hutao and ganyu …..shall i skip her and go for zhongli or i should pull her for nahida kuki hyperbloom team…btw i plaY raiden national and nahida keqing kuki barbara hyperbloom

  5. If you pay attention to the tiiiiiiny tiny details like the stars behind the characters on character menu, you can tell how much effort the editor/s put into the editing, and you can tell how much they enjoy editing and they're not just half-assing it. Respect and much love to the editor/s for making the videos enjoyable to look at despite it being unbearable to listen to. (I'm kidding, love you mr. socks.)

  6. kokomi and wonderer are PERFECT! I absolutely love kokomi's healing and wonderer is such an amazing and fun character to play. I'm trying to get his C1. kokomi's is perfect for me as C0.

  7. i would pull every hydro chara (and i have lol) besides kokomi. her design is unfortunately an eyesore for me. luckily, even more hydro charas to come in fontaine!

  8. The thing about Kokomi is that, she's the combination of almost all hydro character from hydro application to heals. Except that, she can't do ridiculous damage. But seriously, as a Kokomi haver, she's a must have.

  9. Thank you so much for this video cz with your advice i decided to just pull for yelan instead since i want to make a hyperbloom team inthe future with kuki and as for healer i'll get benny from the shop ig

  10. I pulled for kokomi on her 2nd run (I missed her first run) and she has never left my team in all this time, have zero regrets pulling her (along with raiden)

  11. As a zyox youtube viewer I have to be collected, tall, calm, intelligent and appreciative of his hard work, but as zyox twitch viewer I diesofcringe cause of this one Wanderer's missed burst

  12. SPOILER ALERT!!!! – Future mechanics
    With the new Ousia/Pneuma mechanic we will be more or less required to have characters from Fontaine in both abyss teams to be able to clear 36 stars so if you want to ensure 36 stars better save for Fontaine.

  13. I play kokomi hyperbloom with raiden, xingqiu, nahida and I must say this comp not only has insanely good dps but also so comfortable to play. Literally unga bunga the whole abyss 12 without any struggle. High damage, huge healing, good aoe and also interuption res from both xingqiu and kokomi. I also use her in nilou bloom and freeze. She's a good upgrade over barbara in nilou bloom but not necessarily needed if you already have a built barbara. In ayaka freeze, she's overall better than mona but there one more thing I would like to add is to reposition her jelly fish after using her burst like oz. Sometimes, there are multi waves of enemies spawning far from each others. I would prefer mona cause kokomi's jelly fish can't be reposition and have longer cooldown while mona has a much shorter cool down on her e.

  14. Thank you Mr. socks for creating a video of kock and hat guy's pull value thus preventing me from going in debt just to c6r5 both of them, truly one of the best streamer of all time

  15. My only issue with Kokomi is that, since I'm adamant to pull Focalors, If by any chance she could heal in addition to just buff, me already having Mona, would get a tremendous increase in dmg and safety as compared to both of the existing 5-stars…..So why to pull for a dedicated healer when u get, heal, Buff and hydro application – all in one
    (I hope her kit would be like that, btw, I spent 80 pulls on Kokomi banner just to get Keqinged so, just hoping that's all ✌️)


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