#Moseis #Dream #Nahida #StoryQuest #Cutscene #LingeringWarmth #SapientiaOromasdisChapter
Your investigation with Nahida into the truth behind the “A Moment of Dreams” mystery has led you to a deep dark secret involving a certain Akademiya scholar named Moseis and his creation called Emira. After having his plans exposed, Moseis decided to use his dreamworld to attack Nahida, Traveler, and Paimon to preserve his plans by summoning waves of monsters. This cutscene recorded in full length and in HD quality is part of Nahida’s Story Quest Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter: Act I officially titled “Lingering Warmth” with a subpart titled “Dream of Falling”.
TAGS: Moseis, Cutscene, Dream, Emira, Battle, Nahida, Story Quest, Lingering Warmth, Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter, Act I, HD, Version 3.2, Noxxis Gaming, Noxxis Genshin, Genshin Impact
Dang! That went like "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good."
Like, wow!
the way the people turned into abyss creatures resembled the power of the unkown god
kinda scary..
so that's how Khanrieah people turned into monsters
Seriously, i haven't even completed archon quest yet
From a dream into a nightmare
This escalated real quick…
I think the abyss creatures belong to this world
From dream paradise to a total khanreiah's 500 year past
That's one karma for ya
Have u seen that nahida mentioned the hydro archon even its name said it was focalors some people judge me on how i prounounce the name cause i made it sound boyish but when nahida prounounce it, its sounds like a girls name
remembering the monsters that the traveler killed congratulations traveler… you are a horrible being
Nah, i kept on killing in terms of self defense
Keep in mind, Dainsleif had to witness a horror like this on a nation-wide scale when Khaenri'ah fell 500 years ago, and he's one of the very few who survived unaffected.
Ladies and gentleman, finally hoyovarse become they true color. More depresion and sad story, yes

Is there a story quest chapter 2 like Raiden shogun soon?
To be honest this villain voice is good he sounds really like one.
Ok his voice is WAY TOO GOOD FOR JUST AN NPC. God whoever did Moseis’s voice needs to comeback and voice a playable character or something.
why the fuck do you guys think this is the kaenriah disaster? This is just a simple system glitch due to overclocking. You guys must have room temp IQ
I don't know but nahidas story seems so bland for me like ei and zhongli story act one didn't have a lot to but it kinda give some backstory or influence the character but in nahidas one is just meh nothing so impressive
I guess they spend more time to change inazumas arcone quest+plus ei second story quest to sumeru version