More Anniversary Rewards? PauseChamp | Genshin Impact

#genshin #anniversary #1styear

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39 thoughts on “More Anniversary Rewards? PauseChamp | Genshin Impact”

  1. The 2 multi summons can't be the anniversary rewards, it's just not enough we're getting more copium. Also they're giving out a free Xinyan, I wonder who asked for it?

  2. well ive always set my expectations low (or not expected anything at all), so i have always been fine with all the perks im getting…
    what i do hope for mihoyo to do is improve the teapot even more. the gardening system is kinda shit. what do they hope to achieve by making us farm produce that can be easily bought and picked up from the surroundings. and the capacity is still too low. my pc can take much more load.

  3. Well to say I’m a player of the since it started and I remembered it was 10 promotional banner summons, 1600 primos and 20 standard banner summons , so I believe they will double it this year because it comes like there 2 anniversary they are celebrating and this will promote more interest in genshin players to come back and play.

  4. even if you lower your expectations, mhy will not fail to disappoint you. I'm thinking something around or below the lines of "here's half a chicken foul for the anniversary reward thanks for playing our game." lol

  5. I've been playing since day one and I forgot about the rewards for launch.
    I'm not getting my hopes up for anniversary rewards. If they actually do something big, great! If not, I won't have to be disappointed for expecting more

  6. Imagine taking a mere game. i.e a bunch of pixels, seriously enough to have been really distraught upon knowing you won’t get “goodies” in the form of pixels. 🤢 🤮.

    When one’s life revolves around a mere game, that is inherently disgusting 🤢 🤮

  7. anniversary rewards has to be better then what theyve revealed or players that have been away arent going to care. a free 5 star though (Aloy doesn't count) would def catch people's attention, or even better. letting us pick a 5 star would be crazy.

  8. this might be a little too much hopium cuz as we know mihoyo is a chinese company and yes ik that there might be an eng team but they had a bit of communication errors in the terms of baals constellation and something in 1.0 and a few more and personally i think that this is just a communication error on their end but if it is then we should get a few primos.


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