It took 3 years to remove this annoying thing in Genshin Impact

Red dot. The notification that haunts all players with C6 Bennett. This notification even triggers other players because of how annoying it is.

Players would prefer if it was a mail notification that gives out rewards but not. The notification is annoying for a reason that players wouldn’t C6 Bennett for the one reason: Pyro Infusion. Players want the buff and heal of Bennett but not the pyro infusion. Especially for Eula Mains

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36 thoughts on “It took 3 years to remove this annoying thing in Genshin Impact”

  1. cmiiw but its the infusion that only for sword, claymore, and polearm right ?, the buff is universal, I mean how tf bow and catalyst got infused ? and never any bow and catalyst character that have skill set to infuse their norm & charge att

  2. tldr: c6 bennett 15% pyro damage bonus works for all units, but is better for some than others. only c6 bennett if you absolutely WANT to since some team comps may suffer from it

    just a small thing, but the pyro damage bonus actually still works on all units, however, certain units get more out of it. sword, polearm, claymore have a better use of it from pyro infusion with their weapons, but since the bonus also works for bow and catalyst, it's still viable. also, honestly, i'd say that it's recommended to use pyro units or units with pyro damage bonus artifacts/substats (especially if you run some non-pyro units with pyro damage artifacts)

    in the case that one uses a non-pyro unit with pdb, the 15% will still work and help. the downside is that some team comps may suffer from it instead, so only c6 your bennett if you absolutely WANT or feel the need to

  3. I never had Qiqi. The annoying thing about my pulls though is that I either get the banner 5 star, or I get Keqing, Mona or Dehya. I want Diluc ffs!

    Me: "Can I have Diluc?"
    Mihoyo: "We have Diluc at home."
    Diluc at home: Dehya

  4. do NOT c6 your bennett, you don't know who will come out in the future that might need bennett but does not want a pyro infusion. 15% pyro damage will not help you clear abyss either, trust me.

  5. Its not 1.3 anymore, we have new meta, new supports. Anyway most of the characters and new characters are immune to his pyro infusion, and who tf plays physical today? And even if someone does, they can always pick Mika instead. So not activating his C6, now, in 4.2 is just stupid

  6. fr, I saw that red dot and kept going crazy cause my Bennet C5 was screaming to me to C6 him but I knew… (i didn't) (but I felt it) that if I C6 him I might ruin my account according to some people.


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