Red dot. The notification that haunts all players with C6 Bennett. This notification even triggers other players because of how annoying it is.
Players would prefer if it was a mail notification that gives out rewards but not. The notification is annoying for a reason that players wouldn’t C6 Bennett for the one reason: Pyro Infusion. Players want the buff and heal of Bennett but not the pyro infusion. Especially for Eula Mains
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3 years pain finally ended
i literally just got C6 bennett from a wish like 1 hour ago lmao
Jokes on you! Qiqi already did!
Ugly sobbing in corner bc Furina didn't come home
cmiiw but its the infusion that only for sword, claymore, and polearm right ?, the buff is universal, I mean how tf bow and catalyst got infused ? and never any bow and catalyst character that have skill set to infuse their norm & charge att
You see, Burgeon Zhongli is pure chaos
tldr: c6 bennett 15% pyro damage bonus works for all units, but is better for some than others. only c6 bennett if you absolutely WANT to since some team comps may suffer from it
just a small thing, but the pyro damage bonus actually still works on all units, however, certain units get more out of it. sword, polearm, claymore have a better use of it from pyro infusion with their weapons, but since the bonus also works for bow and catalyst, it's still viable. also, honestly, i'd say that it's recommended to use pyro units or units with pyro damage bonus artifacts/substats (especially if you run some non-pyro units with pyro damage artifacts)
in the case that one uses a non-pyro unit with pdb, the 15% will still work and help. the downside is that some team comps may suffer from it instead, so only c6 your bennett if you absolutely WANT or feel the need to
C5 bennet forever 😇
Xiao always worked wonderfully with c6 Bennett, sense most of his dmg comes from his burst, which can't be overrided by Bennett's infusion
I never had Qiqi. The annoying thing about my pulls though is that I either get the banner 5 star, or I get Keqing, Mona or Dehya. I want Diluc ffs!
Me: "Can I have Diluc?"
Mihoyo: "We have Diluc at home."
Diluc at home: Dehya
can you make more pjsk content? i love you
But I don’t want to c6 my Bennett
It's only useful if you main pyro, not my case, and tbh It's been here for so long I don't care anymore
Don't worry, 2024 is a leap year. So on February 29, Bennett's actual birthday, Constellation Toggling will be enabled.
i need c6 qiqi , so i will not sub or like 🤓👉👌
quality of life change???? MY AS
do NOT c6 your bennett, you don't know who will come out in the future that might need bennett but does not want a pyro infusion. 15% pyro damage will not help you clear abyss either, trust me.
People still make the dead child joke?
i cant wait for c6 benny for my lyney
Jokes on you. I don't have Qiqi yet. Gimme!!!
i thought i was tripping when i saw my notification gone, i immediately assumed i had c6'd my benny
"do NOT c6 your bennett it ruins your account!!!" Hasn't been true for years now. There hasn't been one day I regret getting him to c6, people need to stop living in 1.X
i have several of these ❗but their just part of the UI now 💀
Me still not have bennet even when I have hutao
actually c6 bennett isn't mistake like it was 2 years ago cause rn we got more buffers and bennett is used in teams that his C6 isn't breaking
i actually need a qiqi c6. c3 at the moment
Why is this actually the worst but best video I've ever seen
15% elemental bonus is not 15% more damage… You need to consider the stats before just like interest rate as.
If only they would make constellations toggleable… Maybe if we wait another 3 years
Its not 1.3 anymore, we have new meta, new supports. Anyway most of the characters and new characters are immune to his pyro infusion, and who tf plays physical today? And even if someone does, they can always pick Mika instead. So not activating his C6, now, in 4.2 is just stupid
i nodded my head through out the whole video and gasp when you say i well get Qiqi in my 50/50,i immediately drag my laptop to my lap and punch the subscribe button
not unlocking the bennet c6 has to be one of the most stupid things to do in the game, yet people still do it? after 3 years? omg. I guess some people never learn or adapt to new teams.
wow thanks for the cursed😮💨 1:17
fr, I saw that red dot and kept going crazy cause my Bennet C5 was screaming to me to C6 him but I knew… (i didn't) (but I felt it) that if I C6 him I might ruin my account according to some people.
And here I gave up on keeping my Bennet at C5, two years after getting the last con… DAMMIT
C6 Bennett is trash ? You RE correct but
I really don't understand how a red dot that barely covers 1% of the screen annoys so much people rofl