Mihoyo WON'T Give Us More Resin! Genshin Impact

Official Post: https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/142150

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48 thoughts on “Mihoyo WON'T Give Us More Resin! Genshin Impact”

  1. Finally i’ll be able to hold down the button for those enhancement crystals instead of having to keep clicking. That was annoying af. Idk why they didn’t do that sooner. They allowed us to do so for those experience books to level up our characters. They could have done so for the crystals at the same time as well.

  2. We should be thankful that they at least give us that. They could've just ignored our requests like basically every other devs of any game but instead of that they do do something, maybe its not the best yes but its something and its better than nothing.

  3. i just dont understand it. it would cost them absolutely nothing to give players more resin. we arent asking for much here honestly. it literally costs nothing. this is so stingy imo

  4. They can't just take out the resin system people will get burned out of the game so fast after you farm and max put everyone then what ????? That is why the resin system exists to put a cap on how much you can farm so you can't just max out all your characters in a week then have nothing to do with the game anymore

  5. Increase resin cap, make it 1 resin per 5 mins and not 8 min, give us a sort of co-op thing like the hypostasis event that the more modifiers you put making the fight harder, the more resin you can get as a reward, make weekly bosses not cost resin, secondly a make it that you can only do 3 of each leyline a day, meaning 3 mora leylines, and 3 ascension books leylines, but they also don’t require resin, if you are level 45, doing 3 mora leylijes each day since it wouldn’t cost resin, it would be 1,260,000 Mora a week, and bare minimum 112 hero’s wit book a week, would be nice, so now resin is used for artifacts, hell if they made it that weekly bosses and leylines didn’t require resin I would be fine if they didn’t increase the refresh rate, that would be fine honestly

  6. Honestly the resin system is mildly fair… I think the reason they set it up like they did is to keep players coming back daily… The grind is the funniest part of the game and the lack of resin leaves time to explore the world for materials.. 200 resin would be fine for now until more world bosses and other ish are released. Let’s be honest if we had a crazy amount resin. We would make every single character to OP too fast and take away from the fundamental theme of the game make it to easy. When a game becomes to easy players tend to leave. Less resin leaves you coming back for more every time. Just my thoughts

  7. tbh i barely have time every day to use up my 160 resin and it feels like a hassle to do it after coming home tired from work. so i dont mind us getting fragile resin. That means casual players like us can save up and use it on our off days instead. Not everyone is a streamer that has time to play nonstop tbh.

  8. I played this game on Release. I was hooked until I found out the game mechanics. Im glad I stopped playing. The Resin Ultimately Locks the ability to play the game freely thus making it a pay to progress system which only Youtubers can spend and make their money back. Chinese Developers dont care so much about Player Community only how much money they save and earn.

  9. Resin free events are a start in the right direction, but damn….what the fuck are up with those rewards lately. Wat. 40 somethin' witts, 40 somethin' mythic enhancements, and 300000-ish mora? Do ya guys remember the Fischl event? The 20 Resin for participatin' was indeed taxin' but the rewards ya get, is on par or more than doin' the Mora and Exp Books leylines themselves. I know Resin is the main issue but can't they do somethin' bout resources? Like, actually encourage players, to keep on buildin' characters coz that's what Genshin revolves around right?

  10. I got some ideas they could implement to fix resin, ok like
    -increase resin cap to like 300 (at least, since lots of people use all 160 in like 15 minutes)
    -take off the resin from weekly bosses, since you have to wait a whole week for them and it sucks, you can't even do all 3 weekly at once since it costs too much
    -change the resin regen a bit like, increasing 1 resin every 4-5 minutes if you are ingame playing, and if you are afk outside the game not playing it regen would be as it is now 8 minutes or maybe 6-7 idk
    -reduce the cost of some things like bosses and domains, to maybe like 30 for the bosses and 15 for domains
    -And change the amount of primogems needed to spend to get more resin, i see many mobile games doing this too and they could put like this, you spend 50 primos to restore 60 as it is now but the next one doesn't cost 100 but still 50 again and the third time then it costs 100, then the fourth 100 and so on like that like 50,50 then 100,100 then 150,150 so we don't spend that much primos since they are so little already in game for fp2

  11. I personally believe the randomization of artifacts is a bigger issue than resin. I don't mean the stats on them. I mean the actual pieces themselves. I was farming artifacts for Diluc when I noticed I got a lot more flowers and circlets than feathers and timepieces. They should make some kind of pity so that we get an equal amount of all the artifacts.

  12. What they really need to change is making monster exp and mora drop to be actually useful and viable so you don’t have to farm ley lines and waste Resin. Now that’s a game changer.

  13. It´s a small step but one which doing bearly anything. 5 Fragile? Nice but its not enough. Let condensed resin stack to xx for people who can barely play. Atleast enough resin for a whole week. Give us oppurtunities to earn fragile resin outside of AR and now BP. For dailies, completing special stuff like doing xx headhunts or something. Reward people for more immersive play and don´t punish those who can barely play.

    AND NO RESIN COST FOR WEEKLY BOSSES! Don´t wanna use 600 resin in the future… just for bosses of one week.

  14. The premium battle passes are called gnostic hymn (premium) and gnostic chorus (extra premium), and they specifically mentioned the sojourner's battle pass which is the free pass so the resin will be available for f2p players. Mihoyo may be dumb in some cases but they won't go out of their way to include resin into light spenders/spenders lives, of course it's there for the f2p players mainly therefore as they said it will be in the free pass

  15. "it would be perfectly fine if events costed resin while everything else didn't" as much as I love DS I kinda disagree with this. Events are for you to get rewards. As shown from the meteor event way back then when it was resin locked. Even if you didnt do any daily farming and only focused on the event, it was still very hard for f2p players to get all the rewards. I think having events free is the way to go as you get free rewards that arent farmable friendly. Even if artifacts and other domains costs resin they don't have a time limit. You can do them whenever you have resin. Is resin a problem? Sure. But just my thoughts on the matter and I think there are better ways to solve the resin system.

  16. I’m tired of all these people just using the excuse “it’s a gotcha game” look if you wanna spend your checks and go broke and do nothing else then ok….but for the rest of the people that play the game like an mmo… WE WILL NOT BURN OUT. not saying completely take out the resin system but cut the timer in half and give us 1 expiring fragile resin a day from doing dailies so we can’t stock pile it…make fragile give a full 160 refill SIMPLE.

  17. I already did 6 days of Geo Boss farming to get the 6 five stars fragments for the last ascension of Zhongli. A little more to get what I need but man, it's brutal to waste one week plus to ascend a character as a non-refill player.

  18. i mean, Resin system is for the ones that have no time to play genshin. bcs if the resin is unlimited, the game itself will be boring Really Fast.

    When the Player is complaining the resin system before, they're upgrading it and it still got complaint.

    i got no trouble about the resin system TBH

  19. Make Resin a drop booster:

    -Remove base Resin cost from all activities currently locked behind it

    -Keep drop rates relatively the same (no big nerfs, especially for Artifact domains), but remove AR exp gain from said activities

    -Upon finishing a run, allow players to spend Resin to increase the quantity/quality of the loot they receive, as well as grant AR exp relative to how much is used

    -Exception: Weekly bosses. These shouldn't have been Resin locked in the first place given their time gating, so just remove the Resin cost and keep AR exp and drop rates the same

    This would allow us to play as much as we want at our own pace, while still limiting early account growth and maintaining much of the system's potential for revenue generation for those who care about max efficiency. Building characters (Talent upgrades and god-roll Artifacts especially) would still take a long time, even for the most dedicated players, but it wouldn't be nearly as restrictive.

    As for "lack of content" and "burnout" arguments, many might be surprised at how willing hardcores are to make our own "content". These changes would allow us the freedom to try different Artifact/weapon setups, build new units, and generally actually play the game without worrying about permanently stunting our progression due to not focusing exclusively on X or Y at all times. Additionally, many who would leave I'd think would do so on good terms and only temporarily (as opposed to the current system pushing many, like myself, away on bad terms, likely permanently).

    Also, addressing the increasingly common argument of this system keeping the progression of different players relatively equal, I pose 2 questions:

    1.) Are you not aware of the already huge gap in potential progression between F2Ps with their standard regen and whales who cap refreshes each day, getting a minimum of TRIPLE the Resin of said F2Ps?

    Already, the gap is 5-10AR, depending on how dedicated the F2P is and how long they've been playing; no matter what, F2Ps will always be significantly behind up until AR itself reaches its cap, and even then the gear/unit gap can and will increase from there. Resin makes progression harder for everyone, but especially for those who can't afford to spend ~$11/day (average) on refills.
    It does not close the gap, it actually significantly widens it.

    2.) Why should the rest of the player base be forced to conform their playtime to your schedule, or to limit their progression to your pace?

    It's a largely single-player game with, thus far, no competitive PvP; one player progressing faster than you does not (or, at least, should not), in any way, impact your enjoyment of the game. The devs will already be balancing things around higher progression players (read: whales) even with Resin in place as it currently is, so any improvements to potential progression rates won't change that. Additionally, the game has world levels for a reason; they allow the game to be balanced relatively fairly at all levels that can access any given piece of content, even if it was originally balanced around higher-ranked players. Someone else progressing faster than you because their schedule allows for it in no way impacts you or your world.

  20. Lest say they make everything in the world resen free you will be able to farm AR really fast so there will need be a nerf to the amount of AR EXP which will also have its drawbacks i think but one thing I can think of is make ther resin cam like 1k and make you regen it 1resen every min with a reduction of 1 AR xp per Resen expended

  21. I'm a big spender on this game and I don't buy extra resin. And I never will. We should get more, the company knows we want more, but we don't get it? What does it take for someone to understand that the ppl who create the game to realise we need a fix.


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