Today in Genshin Impact we’re showing off our newly raised Eula.
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Outro Music: “City Breath Control – Halcyon Lounge”
Use a battery for her, Rosaria or Diona instead of Qiqi. Sadly qiqi does not generate the right amount of particles
I lost 50/50 and got diluc, help me out Mogy
I legit, cried when i got mona, i will never recover from this.
I'm only summoning on her banner mainly to get my Xingqiu to C6 but if I get her I wouldn't be upsetti
everybody: talking about the video me:00:28 how hes on the talents and he says “ 7 6 nien” like what
Lol damn that’s the same team I run on her
i cannot wait to have her fully built :0 it’ll probably take awhile though T__T
Don't do charge attacks moga they don't give her ult any stacks
the only way to get max stacks is c6 lmao
Moga! DON'T do charged attacks! The ult thingy that explodes does NOT get stacks from charged attacks.
She’s great and all and I’m sad I didn’t get her and got qiqi but she takes so long to charge her ult. By the time you can use her ult everyone is already dead.
Her cape is her indication for her stacks, full transparency 2 stacks half transparency 1 stack.
What would Moga do without Zhongli, every vid would be as long as Bennett vs Azdaha xd
Her best combo at c0 is tap skill -> ult -> hold skill -> spam attacks
Watching Moga struggle against Azhdaha reminds me of when I help my friends fight him and none of them notice when he’s going to start stomping and all die and I get to laugh at them suffering
is it just me or eula did not look at us when moga switch to talent unlike other characters
fischl can be s super good battery with fav bow, every crit hit from oz grants 3 orbs plus he gives 2 energy every hit.
As someone who doesn't have Diluc yet, it does feel like Eula was a blessing,, damn i love her so far
Yo Moga! if u ever wanna learn Eula’s rotation here it is:
AA, E press, AA, E Press, supports or more AA, E hold, Q, E press, AA, E Hold, AA, Q.
E press, Q, E hold, AA, E press, AA, E press, Q.
It's going to be fun.
moga reply “hey moglet” challenge
what kind of psycho uses fischl e and then q right away
Please keep in mind the "press E" and Ult Sword both have a duration of 7 Seconds. When you "hold E" and use the Ult, the Res. down of the E will be gone before the Ult Sword explodes, unless you "hold E" within the 7 Sek. after the Ult activated.
With best regards, shnoopx
Surprised you didn't bring in your C6 Rosaria for the easy physical shred.
I thought charge attacks doesn't count on her ult.
brain.exe has stopped working
It's almost 300k subs congrats
i want to know all of his character builds 😭 my characters are built so badly omg
Fischl seems to just be destined to die when in the hands of Moga
diona is a lot better than qiqi for this team
moga for floor 12 9 star i used:
ganyu, venti, zhongli, bennett for team 1
eula, beidou, rosaria, diona for team 2
you should try it out
I'm still broken from my Zhongli 50/50 fail leading to the loss of all my primos.
Where Tartaglia?
Moga used fischl q just after summoning oz lol
i felt like 12-2 with ganyu and full hp% zhongli was really easy. u don't have to suffer
she doesn't even feel like a claymor, just a sword character with 500 ping
I understand why he call is moglets because it’s sounds like poglets and that is pog
her combo is E>Q>hold E then attack and wait to melt enemy. and then maybe wait to recharge her ult again and do it all over again.