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Yae Miko Theme Music EXTENDED – Anecdote of a Divine Kitsune Guuji (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
Remix by tnbee
A Glorious Awakening (Sangonomiya Kokomi) – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact) [Remaster]
Remix by Vetrom
Timestamp :
00:00 – Floor 12-1-1
00:59 – Floor 12-1-2
02:37 – Floor 12-2-1
03:35 – Floor 12-2-2
04:47 – Floor 12-3-1
05:39 – Floor 12-3-2
07:05 – Builds Team Yae Kokomi Quickbloom
08:23 – Builds Team Ningguang Double Pyro
#GenshinImpact #yaemiko #ningguang #SpiralAbyss #原神
Ay Sireula can you try 4p petra Itto on hyperbloom with sac claymore
I want to try some day ningguang or zhongli with archaic petra. I only need a good sand and goblet
Is it possible to do a "fluffy eared team"? I think Tighnari/Yae/Diona/Sucrose has a slight synergy with EM buffing and reactions. Maybe Diona on Instructor or Deepwood to buff Tighnari while standard Sucrose with VV to buff Yae?
Kokomi music never disappoints
Is all of that EM necessary on Kokomi in that comp?
Love that Kokomi hyperbloom team so much!
Wow Ningguang actually does
I thought she was bad but it looks like she's a pretty character
I've been using that Kokomi Hyperbloom too, their cooldowns are very short, which makes for a smoother rotation. It feels so fun to play.
I usually switch Yae's weapon for Sac fragments for higher EM, but I think I'll try with her sig weapon too.
Who should I pull for in 3.5., if I am a f2p player, and don't have any of these characters or weapons: Dehya, Cyno, Ayaka, Shenhe or weapon banners?
Will the quickbloom team work if Yae got 2pc glad and 2pc shim?
idk how people wants to fight those psycho animals in 12-2-1 without shield, but fine, i won't do it anymore, it's just shit and not fun at all
As a Ningguang main, I'm pretty proud that our Geo Goddess continues to own Abyss! Great job!!!!
Jajajajaja a la vrg una Ningguang en este abismo.
Joder eso si es habilidad y waifu > meta
that Ocean clam set is beautiful, Urgh Why i cant get enough ER
How did u got all the these good artifacts ? HOWWWWW !!
На кокоми конечно лучше полный миллелит…
This looks so so smooth. Could you replace Yae with Raiden (Emblem set, atk% and energy recharge, no EM focused build)?