Luck? What's that?… [Genshin Impact Catalysts Only]

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Genshin Impact, but we use Catalysts ONLY. AKA, Spells Only.

This time around we spend every primogem we have trying to get Scaramouche / The Wanderer. We reached 74 pity last time, so now we’re in soft pity territory. I used some of your rituals to try and bring him home, then spent all of our resin & fragile resin farming artifacts… What could go wrong?

This is inspired by my own Swords Only playthrough we currently have running on the channel. That account is at a point where we just need to farm domains to further build characters, so with plenty of catalyst-wielding characters on the horizon, it’s time to begin this journey as well.


10% off everything at GamerSupps:




#Genshin #scaramouche #OnlySpells


21 thoughts on “Luck? What's that?… [Genshin Impact Catalysts Only]”

  1. Man, every video I see on artifacts reminds me that artifacts are a perfectly fine system with no need of buffs! /s
    In fact maybe they need to be nerfed, getting what you want is so easy! /s

  2. java- i-
    h o w t h e h e l l c a n s o m e o n e g e t s o u n l u c k y?
    no like i thought i had terrible luck because i always go to minimum 70 pity, and ALWAYS lose 50/50, but atleast i have okay artifact luck…
    damn man im tryna give u whatever little luck i might have coz u look like u rly need it-

  3. i remember my first time i cleared a domain at the highest difficulty w/out co-op mode. i was like ar50 in the eosf domain. pretty quickly, i could clear most domains, but not crimson. My only dps characters i had built at that time were hu tao, raiden, and kind of yanfei. In that domain, you really can't bring pyro or electro easily. But once i pulled kazuha, i was able to clear it very slowly with him, diona, xq, and jean.


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