Shikanoin Heizou: Rate The Drip | Genshin Impact
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He brought up the World of Magi! 😂
Damn, I love this guy!
Design is just mid for me. Being a catalyst user is even more mid man they done fucked him up.
He's doing the joomp pose
He almost got to 10 mins
Honestly I feel like my expectations were kinda high because of how amazing his fan art looked. I don’t like his design tbh, but I feel like I’ll get used to it soon enough. Although, he better not be a 5* because no…just no…
Robin to diluc’s batman
Personally, I really like his color scheme. I do think a good coat or hat would’ve made his design so much better. I care more about whether he’s a Xiao support tbh.
Durandal from Honkai impact looks more of a detective than this guy (I know it's a skin but still)
the first vid from Heizou is out … he's a catalyst user
If he is somehow a catalyst who can support Xiao, then let's TToDS him let's go!
The colors itself are fine but some parts of him are just sad
-His hair is kazuha but different color + he is also a anemo from inazuma, that fact alone is sad they could give him literally any other haircut that he looks more different
-his clothing doesnt look detective like at all he looks more like a sport freak who is good in runing, jumping and martial arts
A suit or just a head like klee or hu tao have would make a huge differents also genshin dont have much characters with glasses so if they would give him one of thouse who are very very small he almost look the same but it looks still better and he could be both smart and clumsy it just fit no matter what
Overall i dont like how he look and yes everyone including me hope/think he is a good character but everytime i look at his design im thinking about how good shinobu looks like but how bad her kit is even at C6 it just feels wrong that a character like her is not relevant but heizou who looks meh could be good/broken for something
I dont know if hoyoverse have the balls to make a support like sara or gorou for xiao/anemo but just think about it for a moment that heizou could be a support like that if you keep in mind that people say his weapon should be a catalyst let me ask you a question :
What weapon would fit a xiao support the most if it is not thrilling tales ? And R.I.P if heizou is the first anemo who scale with HP
Team e.g.
Bennett / heizou
Heizou / albedo
-Zhongli hold E or Q with C2 –> bennett E + Q –> heizou E + Q ? –> xiao trigger thrilling tales E E + Q
If heizou is a realy a good plunge atk/anemo CD support that would be nice because there is not much left what a new anemo character could do what we need/dont have
Bro have you seen the leaks my boy does catalyst damage with his haaaaaands, straight punches and kicks that do swirl damage
hoyoverse heard everyone saying the character designers need a raise after yelan and kuki so they had the writing team design the next one
Saw his leaked skills… he looks so dope! His normal attacks he punches snd kicks with anemo! It was cool
He got 0 drip
Ok when I saw his design the first time it was definitely unique but not really my taste but after seeing his gameplay this boy really has me sold on him😭
he misses the silhouette check too, if you blacked him out he’d look like bennett. i think hyv wants to seperate the fourstars to the fivestars, even though genshin’s designs, diversity, bodytypes and crossovers (sword users that are long ranged, polearm users that attack slow etc) all are quite bad.
animation leaks are out it its cool AF!!! a melee martial artist !!!
"Heizou's so ugly he doesn't even look like a detective"
"Why does he have two moles under his eyes"
"It looks like he has 3 noses"
me with symmetrical moles under both my eyes: 👁.👄.👁
Heizou is a melee brawler who uses martial arts with punches and kicks like Yae Miko his catalyst is rarely seen in his attack animations
Heizou is a 4 star main DPS in other words he's a 4 star Xiao