LAWSUIT FOR… RELEASING BAAL?! [Genshin Impact] Raiden Chinese Drama EXPLAINED

Mihoyo is getting SUED for Releasing Baal (Raiden Shogun) in the Current Genshin Impact Update 2.1! I will try my best to explain in details what is happening with the chinese drama and the lawsuit, as well as the mishandled criticism that Mihoyo is currently encountering!
LAWSUIT FOR… RELEASING BAAL?! [Genshin Impact] Raiden Chinese Drama EXPLAINED


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#baal #genshinimpact #raiden

baal and baal drama will be explained in this baal genshin video for raiden. raiden reddit is a big topic and reddit genshin is in the middle of the controvercy for genshin impact chinese drama that is facing a geshin lawsuit. lawsuit genshin impact for genshin drama? yes genshin impact drama for genshin impact baal drama caused genshin deleting and deleting genshin impact may genshin boycott cause boycott of genshin impact! will be explained with twitter drama or reddit drama for the lawsuit for releasing baal. dukx and dukx ayaka for raiden shogun and raiden drama… maybe raiden explained by raiden dukx? this is everything we know about bal genshin, reiden.


28 thoughts on “LAWSUIT FOR… RELEASING BAAL?! [Genshin Impact] Raiden Chinese Drama EXPLAINED”

  1. Gonna be blunt: the suit has no real legal standing based on what they're complaining about. They state that she doesn't work as she was advertised while talking about how she reacted with Beidou/other character/weapons in the beta but the beta is nothing more than a performance test subject to change if the devs decide something is too weak/strong and not promotional material like this suit is making it out to be…in fact anyone making statement about how she's worked in the beta test before her release are the ones breaking NDA/contracts and give Mihoyo standing to sue them rather than the other way around. If i was a judge and saw this suit on my desk it'd be dismissed and tossed into the garbage can within a few minutes.

  2. It's hilarious that my Baal initial burst crit hit with just pyro resonance is 107k, pretty strong since it's front loaded compared to a strong burst dps like Eula, at c0 which deals 150k at normal but backloaded

    Any more Baal buff is surely welcome 😄

  3. 2.1 is a fcking mess it is the messiest game i've played : anniversary reward suck , EN stream mess , Burst problem for the most hype character , lawsuit bc a character , apology with 100 primo while we prepared thousands for months not enough for a pull.

  4. Venti: irreplaceable CC
    Zhongli: irreplaceable shield
    Ei: irreplaceable ??
    (good character design and fun to play, but she has no "Irreplaceable" synergy in any team as support)

  5. The problem here is they threatening a company… Its like do as I say or we do a lawsuit. So they can expect every time a lawsuit if a character that these people like is not breaking records… So I think the last chance of a buff is now gone with these "screenshots"…

  6. zhongli buff cus he represented china (also he was bad af). I can see some bit of nationalism in here

    if nationalism is a factor then no wonder inazuma characters, especially the archon, is "bad".

    Seriously, go take a look at china's relationship with japan in history. It isnt very good. People get fired in china just because they go to a shrine for japanese soldiers. Its ridiculous how much a lot of chinese people hate japan. There are so many films and stuff that depicts the japanese as villains, and even i remember being taught about all the bad stuff japan did to china many many many many years ago.

    From inazuma release i had the feeling and fear that something like this would happen. Funny how no one ive seen have actually gone deep into the history aspect of china japan relationship. That being said, i highly doubt if baal is getting buffed. I think mihoyo didn't want to make her bad af but also not strong so that they wouldn't "need" to buff her or the electro element at all.

    China is a very nationalist country.
    Even when japan is a big part of market, i think that making baal anywhere as strong as zhongli would also cause some outrage in the CN community

    however, I think baal is a "balanced" character. She is great, but not vey viable. Stil, for a person who only spends 20-30 minutes on genshin a day, shes good enough for me

  7. Why can't ppl just chill, the game is incredibly easy as it is why do these dudes want more dmg? There are tons of other 5* that are "weaker" than her but every time new archon comes the basement dwellers have to start insane shit for no reason JFC

  8. i guess this is also in line with Sept 1, China's new rule about limiting gamers under 18, to only 1 hr of game play on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which makes playing Genshin impossible, since it has daily quests and domains that work on Certain days of the week..

  9. I'll be honest with you, I stopped listening to your voice while you were upgrading that flower artifact. When you finished it with 20% energy recharge and 21% critical dmg, I almost cried because I know I'll never be that lucky.


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