Kuki Shinobu will come with Genshin Impact 2.7 and in this video, I will take a brief look at her kit and give my early thoughts about her. Things can still change since the character is still in development by Hoyoverse. So if you disagree, feel free to share your informations.

Genshin Impact 2.7
Foxfire Gaming

Honey Impact:

Twitter [@Festivizing](https://twitter.com/Festivizing)– Kuki Fan-Clip








#GenshinImpact #KukiShinobu #原神



  1. Let me know your opinion. I think I had a much easier time gauging Yelan compared to Kuki Shinobu. Yelan will be busted with a high chance. But about Kuki I am not so sure.
    What do you think?

  2. Her kit having split-scaling as a 4* makes her reeeeaaaaalllly bad, and I mean it as an electro main. Add to the fact that she don't give enough utility to your team to compensate for that (check Diona for example), she's just too niche. I feel like her only viable team is superconduct/taser teams that lacks healers, but Diona, Kokomi, XQ covers most of her part that it makes her unneeded. I really hope dendro characters make up for this kind of EM-focused electro characters (someone speculated Dendro boosts HP and EM based on these new characters)

  3. I'm definitely gonna pull for her. As the lone electro healer, who can also proc Tenacity, she opens up a lot of options when it comes to team building.

  4. Apparently the "loli fanart" is actually someone's oc and was never meant to be confused as Kuki. I've been hearing people say this ever since I saw that image, though I don't know who the artist is.

  5. Honestly there's just so many times I wish I had an electro healer.
    With cons, the 100% uptime on healing on E skill (not worried about energy drain!) is so nice. It may not be super strong or fast but it's some of the most consistent healing we have, since it's off field too.
    The area is pretty large too, which is nice with like, kazuha.
    I personally want to use her with Xiao since he needs heals.
    I'm going to completely ignore her burst honestly..
    Finally i only have zhongli on ToM right now so she'll be my second team ToM buffer.

    She's not S tier but I think that she'll definitely have her place, for a while

  6. My opinion is that her E should have been what Yelan's is. She's a ninja, but Yelan has the ninja-esque skill instead. Idk why they did that; hugely missing an easy mark, but I'm sure Kuki will fit in. It's all about team synergy and investment.

  7. Beidou's burst has has two instances of damage that is "Skill DMG" when she plunges the sword in the ground and the "Lightning DMG" that is those sparks that circle around her.
    Kuki's burst only has one instance of damage which is the field she creates in front of her so the continuous damage is the same number so Skill DMG apllies to everything.

  8. Shortest way i can put it is, not that Kuki's damage doesn't matter at all but i think its everything else going on with her kit that makes her genuinely interesting, i fear many may ignore those elements if and when she comes out, and if she initially, potentially gets looked down on a bit i would not be surprised if over time her value is eventually seen. Simple version for more meta comps is basic electro application with easy (skill oriented) up time is always a great thing these days with Anemo comps and in a supportive role she can hold weapons like Fav, Sets like Tenacity 4pc.

    Also there is a weird side thing, not what most will go for it, its more for the hardcore Kuki fans but she appears to have good NA string/combo regarding Yun Jin, and not just for other carries (Rosaria/Fischl Namely, in that case as potential 4th) but herself in a such a comp with Yun Jin if you wanted to play her as a NA unit, the carry. She might, i will say might because i'd like to see it live, but she looks very compelling as a shoe in for that relative format for the few who are destined to want to DPS with her. Phys comps that aren't Eula are always niche but its interesting they appear to have done that with her.

  9. It sounds like you think that her being able to do damage to herself is bad. You want her to stay low hp and off the field not taking damage but consistently keeping the homies tuff. You coulddd pump a bunch of HP into her to get good (for an off-field sub DPS/ enabler/healer) heals and pretty meh damage (that only will get better scaling with health at higher constellations). Or you can pump a bunch of EM to amp the frick out of her reactions making her a super enabler and even a little bit stronger heals as a bonus. She’s very versatile people aren’t giving her enough credit

  10. She’s the electro healer that taser teams needed. With the ability to have 100% uptime on the tenacity buff which huge. She’s another amazing support for Eula, allowing you to use raiden in national or Diona in Ganyu freeze. I have very high hopes for her

  11. well on paper. she cant even get near my QiQi 's damage and healing just by using clam artifacts. BUT ill still pull for kuki. im a big fan of healers. and i think she will be a great addition for my immortal team.
    (QiQi, kokomi, Bennett, Barbara/kuki)

  12. regardless of her potential im very excited to pull for her! she’s like an electro combo of Hu Tao and Barbara and i love that lolol

    i’m thinking about building her in a taser team with Ayato… i have no idea if they’ll synergize but it sounds fun to me ! 🤩

  13. Seems like Hoyo are investing that new Electro characters have an EM orientated direction. I hope Hoyo know what their doing and that Dendro will bring Electro up from the most under-powered element (inhale huge amounts of copium) #FixYaeMiko

  14. Considering shes not out yet she could still get buffs, and even if she doesn't i see a lot of potential fun playstyles to go with even if her actual power isn't top tier, her attacks seem fast and fluid.

    Also really hoping her healing will heal characters to full isntead of the 70% hp cap that bennett's burst has.

  15. I like Kuki‘s 🍪 design.
    One of the few characters that can use 4x Millelith and the first Electro Healer and can Heal Passive with his E and has AOE Electro DMG

    I think Kuki 🍪 do a good job on taser/physical Teams but don't be OP, it's sad their E DMG doesn't scale to HP.

    Kuki fits well in my Keqing Taser team and I can give her the 4x Millelth Set for an additional Atk buff alongside Nobless.

    Hopefully i get Kuki and she heals lv 90 enough that i can use Kuki more offensive.

    Then I can finally give someone my Festering Desire, which unfortunately is lying around unused😅


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