Top 10 Mobile Games like Genshin Impact (2022 Version)

New Best Action RPG & MMORPG Games like Genshin Impact for Android & ios 2022 l VinIsHere

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Games like Genshin Impact
You might get interested.
3, 5, 6, & 7th are single player action RPGs Rest are MMORPGs

Following are the games name & links:-

1)Ni No Kuni:-

2)Noha’s Heart:-

3)Astral Angels:- Coming Soon

4)Neverland Adventure:-

5)New Dawn- Currentlyin Beta will Launch this Year:-

6)Oceanhorn 2:-

7)Ys VIII:- Coming Soon (chinese & Japanese version expected release this year)

8)Sword art Online Blackswordman:- Cn Version is available but most of you might feel hassle so I’ll suggest you to wait

9)Seven Deadly Sins Origins

10)Tower of Fantasy:- Coming Soon this Year

Thanks for watching! Do check my other videos you’ll find a lot of games of you’re type to play.


26 thoughts on “Top 10 Mobile Games like Genshin Impact (2022 Version)”

  1. Thanks for the updated video boss!

    what are the games here that i can play along with my friends online like genshin impact and tower of fantasy.. genshin is in lag now and we are trying to look for new game to pass time

  2. I just lookin some game with
    – MMO
    – No limitation server channel
    – multi platform (mobile and pc)
    – not really manual hard to build individual stat like genshin

  3. Only Tower of Fantasy and Astral Angels (despite AA being an obvious Genshin clone) seem to be good. The others seem to have some problems like a poor combat system or boring combats in general, an empty world or are geared more towards fans of some existing series (SAO and Seven Deadly Sins). I'll definitely try out Tower of Fantasy and Astral Angels when available tho

  4. To all thinking that "wow this will take less space in my device" genshin too took these much space during the launch. Due to new areas and updates it takes so much space. So it is bound to happen for u to face the same problem as now u are facing with genshin.

    For my opinion i think genshin is here to stay. Is has a great story line good bgm, non repetative (if not grinding) and nice gameplay

    Edit: also i am telling u that genshin's somewhat simple yet complicated and unique combat system is great. U will find it out after playing these third copies (they are LITERALLY the 3rd copies because genshin is somewhat a copy of BOTW XD)


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