I built a 1000 EM C0 Kazuha and tried to SOLO Floor 11 Abyss… | Genshin Impact

cheerleader barbara supporting anime protag kazuha on his abyss adventures


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Outro: Valence – Infinite (NCS Release)

#GenshinImpact #Xlice


45 thoughts on “I built a 1000 EM C0 Kazuha and tried to SOLO Floor 11 Abyss… | Genshin Impact”

  1. How to get saved. Confess with your mouth you are a sinner and need a savior believe with all your heart Jesus shed his blood to pay for your debt of sin on his finished work which covers your past present and future sins on the cross, believe he is the only God. Trust only in his blood not of any of your good works for if you believe in you being good then you are saying you can save yourself which You can’t no matter how good you are. Now you are sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture ready. This is not a license to sin, but if you sin ask Jesus to forgive you and really try not to sin because it breaks his heart and if you really love him don’t want to hurt him. Nothing can take your salvation, the Holy Spirit will guide you in holiness. If you want to really know the Lord Jesus then I suggest you YouTube pastors Robert Breaker and Pastor Gene Kim they are the very few who teach the true word of God there are many pastors that will teach false doctrines of salvation making you question the Lords free gift to you. God bless you beloved family in Christ, Jesus is coming to take us in the rapture any moment now we are in the last days but you just got one of the last tickets to leave this wicked world and have everlasting life and a inheritance beyond your imagination because of how much God loves you, amen. Ps remember a Bible won’t save you, going to church won’t save you only trusting the blood of Jesus will for it is his blood that covers our sin before the Father with Jesus righteousness not our own!

  2. This is annoying to watch…. I understand not using barbara for healing… but no healing items as well? That's just stupid. Dude sitting there with entire chiken in his hand an not eating it for hp. =/

  3. lol that last fight was funny, you were trying to I-Frame their attacks with your E but it doesn't work xd
    you should've used E after they attack, that would've been way smoother i guess


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