Is Yunjin Worth Getting as the Free 4 Star? | C0 F2P Build 1st Impression & Testing | Genshin Impact

0:00 – Intro
0:25 – Trial Yunjin
3:15 – My Yunjin
4:30 – Yoimiya Testing
7:36 – Kokomi
8:05 – Tartaglia
9:30 – Fischl
10:30 – Xiao
12:03 – Hu Tao

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40 thoughts on “Is Yunjin Worth Getting as the Free 4 Star? | C0 F2P Build 1st Impression & Testing | Genshin Impact”

  1. Excuse me, 500%+ def scaling on a 9 second CD skill?????? Can this actually hit more than 2 of Ningguang's Jade Screens in 12 seconds!??????????

    Yeh fuck support YunJin I'mma build her as a swap DPS like Yanbae lmao

  2. MHY team leader: alright bois, we have Xiao rerun, lets buff him but make sure not make him too strong, idea please
    E1: buff his multiplier a little bit
    E2: less knockback, it starting to get annoying really
    E3: a very tailor made artifa
    MHY team leader: NO
    E4: make a new character who can boost normal atk, so it technically can boost Xiao but no really, we just change or give another option for Xiao playstyle

    5 January 2021 : this E4 is our best employed of the month

  3. I’d probably use her along with daddy Zhongli, Bennett, and Yoimiya. Goodluck to all who plan on pulling on the banner

    got yun jin on the first 10 pull thats it for me lol

  4. In Elemental NA team like Yoimiya, isn't it better that the artifacts used are 4-piece Archaic rather than Husk? 35% DMG bonus sounds better than small additional % increase from DEF in Husk set.

  5. I’m so happy to see Tartaglia work with Yunjin. I have a built Childe but hate seeing him as an enabler to Xiangling. I’ll build Yunjin for Childe then

  6. C0 Yun is worth it imo. Even with my scuffed 2-piece husk with ER/DEF/Crit Rate and R5 Fav lance she buffs my also scuffed Ning's autos from 2k to 3.3k at talent 6. When I finally stop getting trash from artifact farming this duo for sure will do work.

  7. I'd say, we need to keep in mind we don't currently have any polearms with defense substat in the game, but I'm 100% sure there will be at some point.
    Not that I care. I'm getting her regardless, because she is Kuroneko.


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