Is This Even Genshin? – Sumeru Teaser | Genshin Impact

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31 thoughts on “Is This Even Genshin? – Sumeru Teaser | Genshin Impact”

  1. i'm having my hopes on the down low, no matter how good it looks now they always find a way to fuck it up and delivere it to us unfinished and will never get fixed

  2. imagine being in the rainforest surrounded by trees while it’s raining hard plus the calming music. i’ll be staying in sumeru a lot that’s for sure

  3. I'm not a fan of either rainforest or desert based settings, but I'm loving this regardless. If there's one thing that is consistently top quality in Genshin, it's the art and the music. Gameplay and story are very inconsistent: you can get good stuff, like the story in 2.8, which made me feel amazing about maining Fischl and Mona, or you can get awful writing, like the 2.1 quest, which absolutely murdered my Raiden/Ei hype. However, the art&music always manages to make me login again whenever new stuff gets released.

  4. We'd already have this last year if they'd quit fucking creating these stupid events and stories that go along with them. They could have 2 worlds the size of genshin by now and we could start a solar system of content but instead they wanna waste everyone's time releasing events. Look how massive this 2.8 event is. I mean stop working on shit like that and get this released! Just roll the character and skins on location completion of like 75%! Sillyness

  5. We’ve got so desensitized with grasslands, meadows and seas that Sumeru feels like a different game. In time, once we fully explored the magnificent sceneries, we will ingest it and treat is as a part of Teyvat as a whole. Can’t wait for the culture shock that I’ll be feeling again like I did with Inazuma! 😍

  6. Mihoyoverse; makes a supremely gorgeous game with incredible environments and landscapes, interesting and unique cast of characters, amazing voice acting regardless of whatever your preference is, a very thematic and culture-based story where you as the player understand each region's way of life, their archons, inhabitants and lore, not the best, but an engaging combat system that has you use the environment and character abilities to attack with the elements to understand their reactions with them, sound effects blend in so well with the environment, a sort of weather system and just overall an amazing game. Mihoyoverse really are doing a good job in these aspects.

    Also Mihoyoverse; lack of endgame, Spiral Abyss is their only endgame content for most, using Qiqi to ruin a lot of player's 50/50 or pity, loves using FOMO on it's playerbase with upcoming banners and events that are eye-catching, lack of endgame, hilariously puts out servers just to later ignore very helpful ideas to improve the game while still keeping it's core gameplay there, once you've explored everything that has come out and did everything there is to do and even hitting AR60 all you can do is log in to do dailies and collect needed materials to level up other characters you don't use, lack of endgame. Mihoyoverse does such a terrible job in this aspect, but the game itself is still fine.

  7. This a random comparison but gerudo dessert was one of my favorite areas in Zelda ocarina of time, I have the same kinda vibes from this. I hope the music is just as dope.

  8. This looks cool and all but if that's all it is then it's just wasted. If you're going to tell me this fking big ass region comes out and not a single end game domain resides in that region then that's just bullshit. I don't walk places to pick up chests. What do you think i am? Ar 10?

  9. This is so damn pretty. It's so, so pretty I could almost cry. The tropical rainforest is gorgeous and colorful. The architecture in cities and towns we've seen is so good. The Egyptian-style ruins look so intriguing damn fun to explore a la Journey. Look, I think we can all agree (the meta slaves and the waifu/husbando players and the casuals, the lore buffs and the text skippers, the f2p and the low spenders and the whales) that when it comes to music and landscapes, Genshin is just amazing and unparalleled

  10. I played assassin's Creed religiously before Genshin. Aside for the fantasy elements, i really feel like these two games have a similar vibe when it comes to the open world. Sumeru looks A LOT like a combination between Black Flag and Origins (regarding rainforests and desert architecture). Those are my favorite games region based and feels like I'll have a chance to experience them in a fantasy world and through new lenses.


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