Arlecchino is my french daddy… (Genshin Impact)

I agree with everything Arlecchino says.

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ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Thanks for watching, my ninja!

#jeikage #genshinimpact


50 thoughts on “Arlecchino is my french daddy… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. you're the first youtuber I watched who chose to give Deakin a bad review, so I didn't know he felt so bad after lmao. I chose the good response, so he gets extra coupons and ends up giving them to us anyway 😛

  2. Furina absolutely panicking when Neuv said "No I'm not attending the meeting" was hilarious and just makes me want this little dork more.

    I wish luck to those going for Arlecchino though, since I have absolutely 0 interest in her, also the sneaking around bits is so much easier with Kirara and Wanderer, climbing higher and flying over the guards trivializes the whole thing, lol.

    Also, I can't wait to see Kage's reaction to the "Post Credit Scene" at the end of Act 4, cause woo boy….

  3. Naah bro, not you hearing Arlecchino is from Fontaine and being surprised 😂 well Act 1 was so long ago that it's understandable you forgot that Lyney said that when telling us their story

  4. 21:21 well i did bascly spoil the whole end game arc about the past of pimon. aslo then how pimon devopeds with giong adveentures with the travler and daeling with the siblings will bacly comlty change the fate of the future of ghein impact. this is bacly due to how much later pimon bacly will regain ther old memorys fully and trasnform into something no one in the fanbase thinks is a thing that they say will never happen. but i have dsicorverd that thers too much of all the canoncal evdece says otherwise. we all know who pimon is giong to be in the futre and its giong to hurt wither you like it or not its giong to happen.


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