Is Beidou Still Worth Using? | Genshin Impact

Next episode of What Happened To? will feature who I believe to be the strongest 4 star character that isn’t from the power five: Bediou!

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46 thoughts on “Is Beidou Still Worth Using? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Watch Beidou become meta together with Yoimiya after Chevreuse is released. Add another electro sub-dps like Fischl for Electro Resonance to improve Beidou's energy situation and you get AoE damage, interruption resistance, healing, electro & pyro damage buff, electro & pyro res shred all on top of Yoimiya's excellent single target damage.

  2. There was no reason for Beidou to not work with Raiden Shogun, she wouldn't even be too broken since she would only be keeping up with the power 5 but when paired with the electro archon herself. Even now they could double down and allow her ultimate to work with Raiden Shogun's basic attacks, labeling it as a "late bug fix" but for some weird reason they just don't allow her to have that.

  3. The worst thing happen to beidou is still the fact that she cannot work with Raiden burst

    But overall although she is not the most meta 4 star she is never weak and I always have good time using her, I just wish she is better at single target cuz other than that she is amazing. Doing decent off field dmg, being able to snapshot, giving shield and damage reduction, counter ability and the ability to do on field electro application to trigger HB make her one of the more flexible character in the game. Her only downside is that her energy cost is so high (which would make Raiden her perfect partner) and burst duration isn't as long as Xinqiu but it is not too short either being right in the middle so im not complaining

    edit: Beidou+Xinqiu is an underrated pair for their 70%+ damage reduction, this massive damage reduction allow the flimsy Beidou shield to be as good as shield from Zhongli without full HP build, from my calc it should be able to tank 15k+ dmg and from my test it should work cuz I tried getting hit that deal 7k to my chara twice and it didn't break and only break in 3rd attack (I crown my beidou and Xinqiu and both at C6 so they have 70-80% dmg reduction, with C6 Jean they have more than 100% dmg reduction making them immune to damage lmao, sadly no C6 jean yet)

    ofc nowaday with healing meta and high dmg enemy in abyss 12 this is rarely the best pair but often time you can ignore healing and just use this pair to reduce damage taken to the point where you can clear abyss without anyone dying pretty comfortably with flexibility on the two chara option, you can bring Nahida and Fischl or Sucrose and Yelan or heck even Nahida and Keqing work well too, or if you want to be undying Beidou National isn't bad at all with ton of dmg reduction and Bennett healing, the only problem is you need fav sword for Beidou or needing battery like Fischl or Yae

    Niche team I like to play her with is Miku C6/Yelan+Wanderer or Heizou, and I would have pair her with Neuv… IF ONLY I HAD HIM

  4. In 1.0 if you didn't have Diluc, you used Razer or Bidou as your main DPS. Nobody used Keqing, cuz she sucks =P (I'm just being a dope, I don't think this or mean to imply it on the CC).

  5. The only problem with Beidou is that she's electro. Her thing has been popping in to block a hit and dish back a GIGANTIC counter since the game first launched. Other elements (Pyro & Hydro, etc.) have reactions that can multiply that damage, but Electro's reactions always deal set damage that better favours inflicting multiple reactions… Unless Hyperbloom favours big attacks, but that's long after I stopped playing.

  6. Beidou is really interesting in that out of all the electros besides Raiden she is the only one I can think that her mains I’ve talked to still argue Hyper style comps are more potent for her then Dendro. Not saying that if true or not but many of them seem adamant about it.
    For me I just really like playing her whether team makes sense to others or not, I would often do Fischl Beidou teams with them as the pure focus and everyone else supporting them which worked well for me because of my admiration for both, but for those choosy about one or the other I get the annoyance of people telling you that you have to pair characters a certain way all the time.

  7. Just gave her a brush up and play her again. Not cause she's meta, but I like her, missed her and she still is viable in certain teams. My neuvi is so strong, I can use her instead of Fischl and not worry about lost damage (don't really like Fischl so it's perfect).
    Power that ended Haishan!

  8. I mained Beidou the moment I got her 3 years ago during the 1.1 update. I still main her and I will make it my personal mission to main her until the very end. Nowadays, she's more used for off field damage but my god is getting her counter timing perfect so damn satisfying

  9. Small Nitpick, Beidou isnt Aoe Focused, she is 2 enemy focused. Her ideal combat scenario is 2 enemies because her lightning can jump back to the first target, and beyond that she loses value when compared to actual aoe units. She's still an amazing unit with offield dmg and cool dmg reduction though!

  10. She has skills of a 5* star but numbers of a 4*. I am Beidou main, 4 of my artifacts on her are with 40CV and she has R5 Serpent but even in Aggravate, her numbers are not that great. ICD on her burst is aligned with claymore speed if I watched carefully. Her biggest strengh is electro application, off-field damage and deffense, especially when paired with Xinqui so she is my go-to when enemies have crazy attacks. She is not broken but in no way is she useless.

  11. 7:57 I think that's already explained before, and it's because during that time Normal and Charge Attack damage are converted to Elemental Burst damage to give way to the EOSF 4-set bonus, and it's not an Elemental Burst empowered attacks like "converts Normal and Charged Attacks to AOE Electro DMG."

    To expand it further, kits from Xingqiu and Yelan were "coordinated attacks" and was explained as "uses a Normal Attack" so they both work for Raiden because of use of Normal Attack (not necessarily hit with Normal Attack) is the only necessary condition to trigger it (same with Razor's Elemental Burst's "The Wolf Within", the triggering condition for it is to strike a Normal Attack so it'll attack as long as Razor uses Normal Attack). Beidou however is required to "Normal and Charged attack hit" meaning it has to satisfy two conditions: it has to be a Normal or Charged Attack; and it has to "hit", and by "hit" means deal Normal or Charged Attack DMG, even on shielded units (because shields also has HP and N/C Attack DMG deals damage to it). Infused skills and bursts like Yoimiya, Ayato and Cyno works with Beidou because it only infuses Normal/Charged Attacks with a specific element, dealing elemental damage (which is still be considered Normal/Charged Attack damage even if the multipliers are on either on their Elemental Skill/Burst UNLESS stated otherwise). Raiden however doesn't infuses, it changes Normal and Charged Attack to deal Elemental Burst damage, which in turn doesn't satisfy the other requirement of Beidou's Elemental Burst.

  12. the reasons why she is not top 4 stars character because her parry is useless, if you do abyss enemies will spawn and it will take them million years before they start attacking. parry is useless if enemies take 10-15 secs before they decide to attack you. her parry is cool btw

  13. Strongest non power of 5 feels like Kuki now :/

    She mostly works with dendro but she's been a staple in the meta for a while now and is always one of the most used 4 star character in many consecutive abyss cycles.

  14. Beidou was always been an interesting character for me. As a launch player I remember that she was actually considered very good early on if you didn't have Diluc or Keqing so naturally I wrote her off because I've never been interesting in the tried and true. It was until the release of our 4th weekly boss Azda that I was interesting in looking for a tank. I was avoiding using Zhongli and Noelle had been my shielded since launch so I wanted to try something new. Biedou could actually tank the whole volley of the stampede and not break a sweat. I used her in an Hp Tank build up to Version 3 where the builds lack of dmg and support outside of shrugging literally everything off just wasn't working anymore. It was an insanely fun build though, Max hp with some Atk/Crit sup stats allowed her to take dmg in a volley and still return a good counter atk. But burst would offer no meaningful support outside of the shield from the conts

  15. I love Beidou so much she was one of my main supports for Yoimiya when I needed some aoe and the shield too. I don't think she gets enough love overall I feel like she works in almost any team and also she's rad as a character


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