This Will Make Genshin Unplayable for New Players | Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “This Will Make Genshin Unplayable for New Players | Genshin Impact”

  1. Valk: "Let's check Yoimiya."
    Video: Shows Yelan

    That said though, I think the only reason why HYV felt okay with mixing up the elemental gem with the bosses is because they introduced the system that allows you to change the gem's elements using the salts. It actually started way back with Xiao with the Geovishap, which does not drop Anemo gems.

    Also, I'm curious if Sumeru will be story-locked as well? Or can new players explore it even if Inazuma can't be accessed? Because that may potentially address the boss/regional mats issue with a lot of the new players.

  2. I think they should implement a gift system that you can give gifts to you friends based on what they requested. They can encourage players to actually gift other players resources by making it a weekly mission in the battlepass, like "Give friends 10 gifts" or something.

  3. i'm a veteran player, and i still do find these dual bosses characters annoying. Sure you can use dust of azoth or whatever to convert them, but once you run out of them, that's it. Also, not every single event sell dust of azoth in the event shop, only in major events if i recall.

    The other problem that is as puzzling for newer player is, the more advanced your character is into the game story, the more story you need to finish to be able to reach their material sources (boss or weekly boss)

  4. I'm a newer player with about four months in and I'm swamped with all the grinding I have to do to get my abyss teams and their weapons in good shape. Keqing, Ayaka, and the blessedly F2P-friendly Yelan are doing good work. However, I barely had Xiao and his Skyward Spine (it's fine) built when Itto, Gorou and the Stonethresher fell in my lap. Now there's Kazuha and a surprise Diluc I have to shovel resources into. My supports have all gotten improved weapons that have to be leveled. I've barely touched the artifact optimization grind and I'm not sure when I'll finally get to.

    The character ascension mats being split between bosses only derailed me a little before I learned about the Dust of Azoth. The real source of struggle for me is that everything is new and doesn't have a year or more of resin and weapon XP invested in it and there's no way to catch up. That, and I'm building characters for teams that are dependent on or greatly helped by characters I'm waiting to rerun or get "upped", like Zhongli, Albedo, Raiden Shogun, Xingqiu, or Sucrose. Then, when they arrive, it's more grinding.

    Starting late, I'm not sure I'll ever get caught up or ahead of the game in terms of resources.

  5. This is why I look at leaks and started prefarming for new characters I'm interested in to at least lvl 70. I guess new players are forced to consider only reruns but that seems unfair.

  6. I think every big event has its own store where you can buy those gems as well as talent books
    The only problem is uniq boss materials but you can get them when you done quests
    You really dont need lvl90 your chars at starting your journey

  7. They already showed an electro regisvine for Sumeru. I imagine there will also be a dendro boss. So there shouldn't be any issues with the 3.0 characters at least. It is an issue that Yelan, Kuki and Heizou all need different gems than their boss drops. I think they tired to retroactively "fix" that by giving out 40 dust of azoth in the the new tab of the adventurer's handbook. Not perfect but I think they realized it was a mistake. We will have to wait and see.

  8. Mm, nah. Your points are contradictory. A new player is not going to have a bunch of characters, nor will their characters be anywhere near level 80. You can actually stop leveling your characters at 50 or 60 and still clear all of the content in the game. I have capped mine at level 60 precisely because i do not enjoy farming for exorbitant amounts of time and also to keep the enemies fairly challenging. AR capped at 45, characters at 60, talents at level 4. There is no content that I'm locked out of or unable to complete, aside from some level 90 domains/spiral abyss which I have no use for. It's your own fault if you rush to max level for absolutely no reason only to become overwhelmed by ascension farming. You can argue primogems from spiral if you want, but truthfully those are irrelevant if you are smart with your wishing and not greedy for tons of 5 stars.

  9. The dust of azoth cured that problem! You can change any drop you get clicking on the paper and clicking what you do have to change stones out to any kind…. I don't see how this is an issue???? Do you know how many bosses you'll have farmed by the time you even make it inazuma it's insane actually!

  10. I think we should start talking about raising the resin cap/making resin regenerate faster again, mainly because we're getting a new nation next patch (hopefully), and keeping the same resin we had for 2 nation when we now have 4, the double, is ridiculous.

  11. As a AR57 player, I tried a new account and confirm its very painful to start playing lol. The more characters that come out, the harder it will become.

  12. It's very true, I'm AR55 now, so I'm no longer a new player… As you said, I actually just simply convert the anemo/pyro/electro/etc chunks, but.. in my AR40's when I did not know that was a thing, I struggled quite a bit with Hu Tao and Xiao because of the fact that they needed Primo Geovishap's and anemo/pyro cubes to drop the jade chunks. Also.. I consider myself quite lucky because when I first joined Genshin, it was slightly before Inazuma came out (May 2021).. By the time that I got my first limited 5 star (happened to be from Inazuma), I had already gone there and was exploring it, but I really do feel bad for new players especially with how hard it will be to catch up and getting characters that can't even ascend because their materials are lets say… Natlan, can you imagine? That would take forever to catch up if that was the case

  13. Ok so this like my opinion and it’s not like something I would tell new players but if I were a content creator and a new patch of characters being released and other reruns, I would always recommend pulling the older characters for that reason alone. Yes you can pull who you wish but to level those characters there are obstacles that you would have to speedrun the content which in the long run wouldn’t be enjoyable to new players. Example in 2.7 banners we had Yelan being released and Xiao/Itto reruns. By meta say it’s Yelan
    But if you are a fresh new player like below 25 AR then I would recommend Xiao over itto and Yelan bc both itto and Yelan you have to unlock inazuma and the underground chasm to get their materials whereas Xiao, you can get his materials right off the bat after a few quest for the prologue. For this 2.8 any new players may or not Klee and have the option to pull Klee whereas Kazuha and Yomiya are locked but since since Klee is not really recommended due to her kinda difficult and clunky playstyle it’s better off a standard five star over Klee (again this is my opinion and if you understand my point I’m trying to get then you know) But in the end any player can choose who to pull but I just recommend some characters over others depending the case of the player. Older players would either go for new characters and/or constellations for characters whereas new players should reconsider pulling for new ones and instead consider older ones since they are more accessible and solid dps/supports to get to inazuma and beyond (depending if the other regions will be locked or not)

  14. I just use dust of azoth or whatever its called. I don't know if new players know about it. I have stopped farming gemstones since the dust of azoth came to existence.

  15. This isn't just affecting new players, but veteran players like myself. The resin system in it's current form is going to kill Genshin Impact. Never mind just getting access to required domains, the real struggle begins AFTER you get there. You can easily spend a whole weeks worth of resin for little or no good results in your average artifact domain .

    On top of which the actual amount of resin, materials and resources to get a character to level 90 is astronomically high. Just to get 6 gems of the required type easily takes 6 days of resin and this made worse if the second material needs to come from a boss which doesn't drop the correct type of crystal. So that's another 6 days worth of resin there probably. So it could take almost 2 weeks of resin to raise a character from level 80/80 to 80/90. And then you need a small fortune in mora and books to get the character to 90.

    But this is not a new problem, it has existed since the game began but with the release of so many new characters the problem is getting worse. Take my situation for example. In the course of trying to get Kuki Shinobu and possibly a few cons for her I ended up getting 1 copy of Itto, 1 copy of Diluc and 4 copies of Gorou. But I only ended up with 2 copies of Kuki who was the character I actually wanted.

    Nothing wrong with Itto and Gorou, they are great characters and since I do use Diluc, an extra con is welcomed. However, due to a backlog in character development in terms of resources to improve my existing roster, many who need artifact upgrades amongst other things, I have zero resources and resin to build either Itto or Gorou. And then there is Sumeru just around the corner to factor in…

    I've been to complaining to Mihoyo for months now on this issue and obviously they're putting their profit motives above player satisfaction. Eventually a lot more people will run into my issue: too many characters and not enough resin/resources to build them properly. And in the final analysis, why would people want to continue spending money to get new characters if they don't even have enough resources to develop the one's they have?

    Mihoyo better wake up; one day soon, some other developer is going to work out all of these issues and come out with a product that is just as fun/immersive and with none of these issue and that will be the end of Genshin. Flat out truth, Genshin is not ground breaking, it is very good, but as a product it has too many serious flaws that have never been addressed. In the final analysis, if they don't start addressing these issues now, it will kill Genshin as a viable, competitive product in the not so distant future.

    At the moment all of these either individually or in combination may/will kill Genshin:

    (1) Lack of end game content.
    (2) Really bad artifact acquisition system.
    (3) Poorly thought out character leveling system.
    (4) Resin gateway.
    (5) Greed…


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