How Every Anemo Character Earned Their Vision | Does A Pattern Exist?

The characters of Genshin Impact each have their own separate and distinct personalities (Some anemo character quote on screen, probably venti?) As such they all have their own story when concerning the circumstances revolving around how they each received their visions. In this new series I’ll reveal if available the details of how each vision holder of a specific Element obtained their vision, and then at the end of the video briefly discuss whether or not it appears if a pattern is immerging that might help us define what dictacts who becomes the Allogenes of each element.

#Anemo #GenshinImpact #Xiao

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22 thoughts on “How Every Anemo Character Earned Their Vision | Does A Pattern Exist?”

  1. if there is something in common i find in anemo vision holders, it's that they're driven to continue the legacy of their friends or predecessors. Jean with Venessa and her mom (i think she's doing the duty of gunnhildr clan or something i forgot), Sucrose and her two friends, Xiao and his fellow yakshas, Sayu and her master, Kazuha and his friend, Venti and his bard friend. They're trying to honor the dream and duty of their loved one and continue it even if they're going to get hurt or lose themselves in the process. Their predecessors usually died, disappeared, or simply never mentioned anymore in current story, and i think that's why many people think anemo vision = dead friend.
    However, I dont think it's the criterion of receiving anemo vision since it's either happened in far past or when they're already have the vision.

  2. I was thinking about how sayu has been unable to grow taller and it made me think, do visions keep the allogenes to an unaging state just like the achons? It would make sense as a way to prepare them to replace an archon.
    For example we know qiqi is very old but still looks like a kid, to be fair that is also because of the adepti powers and all.
    I'm sure there is an example of a vision holder aging I just can't think if anyone at the moment.
    This little theory is probably wrong but something to think about. When it comes down to it we don't know the entire purpose or reason behind the visions. Let alone any possible side effects.

  3. Great video! Looking forward to this series!
    I was wondering if maybe it isn't just about actually achieving inner peace, but longing for it in the case of Xiao. Maybe that longing and drive to one day have that is enough to grant a vision.
    I'd love to hear your theory about Cyro users next!

  4. I have a few predictions for some general thematic correlations with each element's vision wielders
    Anemo: Freedom from a weighty burden
    Cryo: Persistence through hardships
    Electro: Strong personal ideals and identity
    Geo: Commitment to principles and duty
    Hydro: Pursuit of a self-defined noble purpose
    Pyro: Enduring passion and commitment
    Dendro: *tbd

  5. I think cryo vision holders may have the connections of being ‘out of place’ or even ‘abnormal’ for lack of a better term. Also hardships due to that. Reading the lore for the cryo gemstone, a person (Tsaritsa ?) is apologizing to someone that they had to endure the hardships of the world. They tell them to “burn down the old world for me” which could honestly just mean to set a new precedent

  6. Also I always thought Xiao didn’t technically have a vision bc of the contradictions between the in game story and his dev notes. The dev notes say that since Xiao only normally appears in human form, he wears a vision to comply. Also I assumed only humans could receive visions so? I just assumed he was like cloud retainer and could just manipulate the wind, or even a wind spirit like Venti. I mean either way, he’s tied to Anemo and I enjoy these types of analysis xD and all that to say his vision of freedom could be a bit different or that it’s interesting that he still fits along with the Anemo motifs

  7. i think sucrose got her's the cutest way possible, its adorable how i poped out from a pot, she noticed but just though HUH,,,, less see what happens when u cook it. and just goes straight to cook it something others would kill to get

  8. All the anemo users has a vision because of the fact they have wanted to be free, in other words wanting freedom.
    Venti is the god of freedom so it make sense if all anemo user chosen by celestia, will have the same motivation that make Venti a god of freedom, that will make them a anemo vision haver..
    Kazuha got his because to be connected with wind in order to escaped the eyes of the shogun, to be free because after all he was wanted at that time when he become a wonderer.
    Xiao he wanted to free the world from demons, hence his title as the conqueror of demons
    Sayu wanted to escape her large opponent in order to be free
    Jean got her vision because she wanted to protect the freedom of others, but in my opinion she got her vision because she wanted to be free from the pressured of the fatui, assuming the fatui has been whispering about her if she can even fight because she doesn't have a vission(pressure because of the expectation of grand varka who is a vision user)
    Sucrose got her vision in order to be free from the limitation of alchemy.
    Also explaining why Noelle didn't get an anemo vision because of the fact she didn't wish for freedom, she was hard working but never really wish for some sort of freedom


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