Lost In The Chasm – GENSHIN IMPACT – Part 58

Hi friends and welcome to my first playthrough of Genshin Impact!

GENSHIN IMPACT PLAYLIST: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7VKs-amSrUlx2zuXkIMo78tJ9ovIzBj

TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/magikatgaming
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#GenshinImpact #LetsPlay #Playthrough

♥ Kat


9 thoughts on “Lost In The Chasm – GENSHIN IMPACT – Part 58”

  1. Looking forward to watching this later when I have time! Also, btw just letting you know that thankfully Hoyoverse acted quickly and Tighnari's new VA was just announced yesterday! if I understood correctly, Tighnari will be voiced by him starting with the 3.6 update which is tomorrow. I'm not sure if all his lines in previous quests will be replaced already or if that'll take a bit more time but we'll see very soon. Even if they aren't all replaced yet, it shouldn't take too long since they already casted the new VA and started recording, so whenever you're ready it should be all good to head to Sumeru now 🙂

  2. when i get tangled up with quests .. my strategy is to do random stuff until it all magically sorts itself out.
    ps: Sucrose was such a useful character battle character for me .. i feel guilty for allowing Kazuha to push her out.

  3. You've already finished that quest you were confused about! If I remember well, the objective was to take the picture of the goo and then come back to the camp, that's all xD The world quest won't lead you to the boss, it will only help you to unlock the most important places in the map, so you need to go find the boss by yourself.
    The places where you are asked to randomly take the pictures of the walls (or rather fossils) are part of the another world quest, you can get it from Sumeru researcher, Khedive, in the camp.
    Unfortunately, the mud comes back after some time :/
    You were also curious about the finches in the cage – so the miners used to keep canary birds underground because they're very sensitive to the dangerous gases like methane, so they would alert the people working in the area. It's a nice touch, especially that in the Chasm you can also find places where the flammable gas is leaking out – that weird red-ish and purple-ish smoke in the air, which blows up if you use Pyro on it.
    I hope you're less confused now xD

  4. I was so frustrated months ago when I hit the chasm quest myself that I had to take a break from the game. It’s how I found your channel, looking for new players. You’re handling this place WAY better than I did😂

  5. To avoid being confused, you should do all previous quests of a zone before heading to the next zone. If you are done with inazuma, then do all inazuma world quests from your quest log, etc. It will make your experience A LOT less confusing, as you will only have tracking the current place quests, and not… 30 quests from many places and kingdowms.
    Otherwise, some quests are triggering because they are advancing objectives like "it's 8:00am" as it confuses you at 19:47 here.
    TL;DR: Don't have more than 3 quests active at the same time, finish the already taken ones.


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