JADE CUTTER IS A BLESSING.. | Genshin Impact Jade Cutter – Keqing
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ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Thanks for watching!
jeikage's wallet: this is why we cant have nice things
Who tao? Paimon 2021
Fun fact I don't have both 🙃
Hi Jei, I just found your channel a week ago. I've been watching all your videos including the old ones. Just wanted to say you've been making all my days better. Please keep making videos! They are so funny and enjoyable.
p.s. I really appreciate you trying to pronounce all the Chinese correctly 🙂 A for effort.
Good choice on full set Thundering fury
If you have Mona on your team
Good choice on full set Thundering fury
If you have Mona on your team
I didn't know if I was going to be happy that I didn't get the jade spear but I did get this sword….
I can relate so badly to the mora-
I love your videos so much lool, so glad I found you -///-
In dark souls, even high level player level up hp to 40% max atribute. scaling to HP means increasing damage while survive longer without healer
That frost flower core was on life support
1:28 Klee be like "But Jeikage, you said we could go out and play any time. Did I do something wrong again?"
4 waifus in your line up, i see that your a man of culture
Someone ping mogawty
Just found this channel today, enjoying the content and even moreso your personality
Question: is this like some type of no dodge and all charge attack challenge series?
I got Xiao first multi but still never got my waifu Keqing 😔
A lot of Kingdom Hearts music. luv it
The shields were made by the boss afflicting you with the element, then slapping you with a geo attack
Finally someone appreciates this weapon 🙌
lol i like that keqing have hp
wished on jade cutter pull, got an off banner skyward spine instead.