Is Layla Stronger Than Zhongli?? -Genshin Impact.

the new 4 star character Layla coming to Genshin impact ,has some interesting abilities, her elemental skill provides a shield like Diona.

this shield is way stronger than Diona’s and lasts longer as well , she also has a passive that increases shield strength.

But Can layla’s shield be stronger than Zhongli?

For that, lets make a comparison between layla and zhongli’s shield capabilities.

This is the shield scaling of both characters at level 10 , so its almost as strong as zhongli and if u get her to c1 her shield strength is further increased by 20% and at c3 its exactly as strong as Zhongli in genshin.

plus she gets the similar passive as Zhongli where she gain 6% shield strength up to 4 stacks, and she has an hp% ascention bonus.

although she falls behind in the shield uptime where zhongli’s shield lasts for 20 sec but layla’s shield lasts for 12 sec with similar CD of 12 sec.

From this, layla is on par with Zhongli in terms of shielding which makes her the second best shielder in genshin impact , and very good choice if you don’t have zhongli.

at c4 she provides normal and charged attack damage based on 5% of her max hp, her damage on burst also scales with hp% , so no split scaling issue like Diona and it has a 12 sec duration and 15 sec cooldown.

So, if you want a cryo character who provides a very good shield , does decent Damage and increases normal and charged attack Damage then Layla is for you.

Music: Genshin Impact.


48 thoughts on “Is Layla Stronger Than Zhongli?? -Genshin Impact.”

  1. all i can think is layla's shield will be great againts cryo enemy, strong againts hydro/anemo/geo/dendro/phys, and pretty ok-ish againts pyro/electro

    meanwhile zhongli's shield is universaly strong againts all elements & phys

  2. Diona is still pretty good, she can generate sh*t ton of particle 5*2(Sac Bow), sac bow also refresh her shield and give 200 EM(C6). Overall both are good and can be placed in many diffrent team.

  3. layla should've been the first hydro claymore character, the outfit color is suitable for hydro, the fighting style is holding a two-handed sword and being first hydro shielder

  4. i swear if hoyoverse make a characters sheild stronger then zhongli then i will be so dissapointed because i farmed so much for his aftifact and best wepons and made his sheild strong and then another character comes and takes the cake

  5. hoyo really needs to increase layla shield to atleast 15sec bcs 12sec is not right if u use someone like cyno and xiao who cannot be swtich while having burst as their dps damage

  6. I feel like mihoyo won’t ever take the best shielder crown from zhongli cuz if u take that away he loses his main purpose and people won’t get him on his banners anymore

  7. I’m not going to comment on Layla’s real strength against Zhongli’s, but consider the way people refuse to even think about their precious Zhongli’s place in meta being threatened by a new character, compared to how willing and ready people were to throw Venti away once he stepped on the stage.

    The power of simps is truly strong.

  8. Well zhongli is a 5 star, layla just 4 stars 😅 , zhongli is also geo so it fits in any team comp. Layla is cryo so maybe there is some against pyro enemies


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