Is It TOO LATE to Start Genshin Impact?

#GenshinImpact #genshin #shorts #GenshinLore #HoYoCreators #Genshin4You #BlazeToNatlan

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⟡ I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif
⟡ “I read the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to”


44 thoughts on “Is It TOO LATE to Start Genshin Impact?”

  1. The only thing is that they'll get the hype a little later because it took me a bit to get from ar1 to ar35 even though I was playing daily for hours lol

  2. I want to play genshin but do to all the crap about the incorrect ethnicity about the Nathan characters is making in difficult, while the characters do look impressive the people of those cultures deserved to be recognized and represented

  3. I have never played Genshin before, have thought of doing so, but always pushing it back. Omg, not gonna lie, I just started and downloaded Genshin Impact just before the update livestream happened. When I looked back, I thought—it was a lucky coincidence and I can't wait to keep playing and witness the update! I'm at AR16 tho, but I'm having fun!!

  4. I personally don’t recommend skipping the archon quests, you’ll miss out a bunch of other cool cutscenes and story line, you also might get confused. Although farming to all archon quests is long and tbh the average I seen is 6 months but genshin is meant to be played for long periods of time so in the end it’s worth it

  5. Honestly, it depends on how interesting the lore is to you. I installed the game right before the Sumeru interlude chapter released and it took me about 2 weeks to catch up, but that was when I literally had nothing else to do besides Genshin. I was so immersed in the world and story. Now that we have Fontaine, I feel there would be more incentives for new players to get through the story because of how good the Fontaine arc is, but for those who really just started on a whim, it might seem overwhelming.


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