Is Inazuma Powercreep? | Genshin Impact

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46 thoughts on “Is Inazuma Powercreep? | Genshin Impact”

  1. inazuma is mihoyo's big middle finger to the players who says genshin is boring, easy, no content, can be finish in three days. baal our immortal shogun is forever though.

  2. we invested in Eula and the next patch they going to make enemies to be stronger and resistant to physical damage, that's how Gacha games works and that's why i can't wait for Amazon New World and Lost Ark to drop 👌🏾😊

  3. Power creep isn’t really that big of an issue since most characters while power creeped can still complete the content. Diluc while powercreeped by all dps but he is still strong enough. The only 2 characters I think need a buff besides amber are keqing and qiqi. Keqing is awful because electro is. Even more so when you consider her to be charged attack centric yet her had the highest stamina cost of all sword users as well as knocking your enemy far away and moving backwards. Ningguang also has the similar multipliers so her attacks aren’t even very special. Qiqi has no upsides in comparison to other characters. She applies cryo slowly, she has no utility and her healing while insane is useless considering no one needs said heals and the only 2 situations I have seen where she could be useful were 12-2-2 (zoo) and 12-3-1(2 lector’s). Even then there are other healers such as bennet who heal a lot and bring an upside/buff. Poor amber is just… discount yoimiya at this point.

  4. Honestly, if I could still clear the current abyss with 36 Stars and the rest of the content completely with my characters, I could care less if a build or a character has bigger pp damage than my current ones, I just wanna get my primos and materials

    now if there are features that are competitive that give rewards and/or content outright impossible for whatever reason without said characters, we have a problem

  5. I play another gacha game where power creep is so bad that I'm starting to leave the franchise and fandom completely after being a fan for 8 years… Tbh powercreep is only an issue when you have to compete with other players. I don't see that happening permanently in Genshin, maybe in an event, but I'm not to concerned

  6. I dont think so, If leakers are to be trusted they said Inazuma characters wont be better than Liyue's top 3, however I thing the "powercreep" is going to be mechanic related. Like Inazuma characters will be so much more skill expressive and deep/complicated than Liyue's character, which is good imo.

  7. In Genshin Impact, so far, Mihoyo has a good track record of managing the powercreep by :
    a) maintaining the most challenging content accessible to F2P and "weak" units
    b) developing the game horizontally by introducing more options and new gameplay mechanics rather than just going only for the stat increases

    Sadly, powercreep is something that always has to be kept in check, and I think introducing Dendro will be the most challenging balancing act to come, for Mihoyo. But I'm reasonably optimistic.

  8. Ayaka have a strong constellation, but yeah.. shes literally a whale character. Not as viable as Xiao, HuTao, Ganyu at C0. And her ulti suck.. i have to chase them down. Oh, dash kinda bad, even though they kinda fix it.. i still think dash like HuTao is better, then Mona/Ayaka.

    "Powercreep is an actual thing?"
    Qiqi: wakaranaii… Im the worst 5*, how would i know.

  9. I feel like this wouldn't be a powercreep just yet imo, MiHoYo probably wants to stretch out the characters as far as possible, and rerun the OP characters while they're still good. I do feel like Kazuha will be a decent character, not so sure about the others just yet.

  10. the amount of times powercreep has been thrown around by dumbasses who don't know what they're talking about fucking kills me. not you of course. talking about a particular individual.

  11. I like power creep. I look for games that have it since it is fun for me. Power creep and meta are things I enjoy.. as long as it's not way out of proportion.

  12. I grew up table gaming RPGs, now that was power creep. Talk to anyone old school about, say, RIFTS, and how absurd that got. More power or evolved power is not power creep. It's fine.

    Let me know when Kaeya or Xianling become obsolete, pushed aside by new units, then we can begin to have that conversation. That said, I would expect some potential rebalancing to occur for characters in Genshin's 2nd year.

  13. I'm waiting for the day when we can "upgrade" our characters to lv 100 and have additional effects on their skills and such..maybe new skins for friendship rank 10 and lv100? Think mihoyo think.

  14. I think if there’s anything powercreep, it’s the weapons for sure. A well built character can clear everything easily even at c0, but the only way to further enhance them is the weapons. The dmg between a 4 and 5 star weapon is insane. Especially if an R1 homa is comparable to a r5 Jade and Vv spear.

  15. I hope they don't let powercreep taking over Genshin Impact, I like powerful unit but if they're are already strong without needing to put much effort, it's not fun.

    Working toward something is satisfy, the same goes for grinding in video games.
    Despite my frustrations while grinding artifacts I can still look back and enjoy the end results, but if your new unit is already better than your current units with bare minimum effort, where's challenge, where's the fun? trust me even Whales will hate them.

    Ahaha.. eh.. hope they don't accidentally fell into the same hole like in Honkai. being Gacha model surely their reputation is very flagile, and they definitely should be careful around game balance.

  16. I mean there's no PvP, so the only thing power creep affects is showing off, and weaker characters people might still like to use being left behind. But if you don't care and just want to use em anyway it really doesn't matter

  17. Personally i feel like power creep can be a big issue if not handled well. I would like old characters to have a catch up mechanic. Don't want my xiao to become useless in a few more months :p

  18. from what I've seen rather than just releasing more powerful characters/artifacts they're getting a lot better at making ones that are more interesting and unique to play.

  19. People begging mhy to make a hard contents. And miHoYo really made Inazuma hard and I'm very happy! And I'm sure some Toxic players will say it's powercreep. Anyway, enjoy the game yourself and don't take seriously on toxic comments. (sry for bad eng).

  20. When Inazuma comes out? No, likely not
    Genshin Impact in 2025? Likely.
    What you say about the artifacts can be true, maybe. They can powercreep older artifacts pretty easily if Mihoyo decides to do fuck all with their effects. Granted, it could also come down to synergy with characters.

  21. i want powercreep enemies, i want enemy that can oneshot me instead while im having my time strolling enjoying the view in inazuma, i want enemy that got shield that take time to kill just like abyss herald/lector, i want STRONGER enemy in the open world!! not in faking abyss only!! i miss the old time of feeling scared when i travel to distance places cause of idk how strong enemy going to be there. i want that FEEL!

  22. I can still clear Abyss with Keqing, ppl worry too much about power creep. Though in the long run older characters can become more insignificant if powercreep persists, Mihoyo should just buff the older characters.

  23. I think Inazuma would be less of a powercreep than the other regions because they're adding more electro enemies while electro is the most passive element with useless reactions and electro characters would become even more useless because they're powerless against same type enemies

  24. The CN server actually calls Xiao, Hu tao and Ganyu as the Liyue Monster Trio as a reference to the trio from one piece. I mean, theyre nuts and amazing even at C0 so it kinda makes sense why the CN theorycrafters gave them that title.


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