Is Hyperbloom Overrated Now In Genshin Impact?

An Analysis About Hyperbloom In Genshin Impact. SUBSCRIBE!

00:00 Why People Like Hyperbloom
04:52 Why People Dislike Hyperbloom

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50 thoughts on “Is Hyperbloom Overrated Now In Genshin Impact?”

  1. me personally i really like hyperbloom,high floor easy to invest into team that has a fun rotation without it being too overpowered/invalidating other units. its the reason i returned to genshin cause before that i just couldnt enjoy most teams,xiangling feels horrible to play and she was basically the thing most people recommended so i got bored. but nowadays i am finally enjoying genshin again with the addition of hyperbloom or quickbloom teams,aggrevate teams,nilou bloom teams,even partially furina teams have just made my experience better. iam glad i can finally clear the abyss without being forced to use units i didnt enjoy.

  2. Awesome analysis! I don't use hyperbloom much now either – my two main teams are Neuv/Furina & Navia. Hyperbloom gives you a higher dmg floor faster, but the dmg ceiling is higher on high investment teams. I like it that way. New players struggle with leveling TOO FAST since they can access everything – hyperbloom is a great way to build a solid team to cover most elemental bosses without wasting resources whilst you work towards stronger teams that take ages to build

    I'm only just now finishing my Wanderer and Cyno teams after a year lol

  3. 8:34 LMAO thank you for saying this. Playing the game to enjoy and invest on characters they like to reach their ceiling seems like a natural goal for anybody who wants to play long-term, so restricting yourself to HB and lower potential just seems like a recipe for self-destructive and unsatisfying view of the game to me.

  4. ngl I fell for the hyperbloom hyper super bad. Im a dolphin player that stopped playing when yelan came out and came back on furina banner (i have furina c2), and I genuinely thought nahida was a must pull cause i needed to play hyperbloom but once i got a hyperbloom team going it was nowhere near as powerful as my other hyperinvested teams (I have c6 ayaka , and c2 raiden shogun, and plenty of other old vape / melt dps units w some cons) . I was fully expecting my hyperbloom team to blow my old teams out of the water w how much people praise them… but it just didn't. If i had gotten xianyun it would have been a direct upgrade to my hutao . Oh well gonna save up as much as possible to get more cons on furina on her rerun might swipe a bit to see if I'm lucky enough to get her to c6

  5. On the topic of telling a hyper invested Neuvillette main to play hyperbloom. I was doing the current abyss on friend's account and he had a nice C2R1 Raiden hypercarry team with C6 Sara and whatnot so i figured I'd use it on the boss side. Ended up running after Wenut for an hour before getting 3 stars in its chamber, cringing hard. Two weeks later, same abyss, i had a cheeky idea to grab his level 50 Dragon's Bane with whatever EM pieces i could find to make that Raiden an E bot. Ended up facerolling over Wenut with my eyes closed. Poor Raiden mains.

  6. Something I don’t understand is why my Alhaitham quickbloom still clears faster than spread eventhough people keep saying hyperinvested team is stronger. Alhaitham c0r1, nahida widsith, xingqiu fav, kuki ironsting VS Alhaitham c0r1, Yae c0r1, nahida widsith, zhongli shieldbot

  7. I dont think its bad for the game for a specific "overturned" reaction to exist, just like I have never thought that having very strong 4*s was ever a bad thing (like benny, xingqiu, xiangling, sucrose, etc). At the end of the day, you need 2 teams for abyss.
    Those units, much like hyperbloom, offer an easier way to deal with abyss earlier into the game, while older players (or players who prefer vertical investment in general) can opt out of using those by vertically investing into a specific unit/team that they prefer, sometimes even at a cheaper primogem investment if they go for the correct constellations/weapons.
    So I don't really mind that it's not balanced. Just like Xingqiu or the other 4*s, I think that it's good that the game gives you the chance to go the easy route or the hyperinvest route!
    (Well, except for Bennett. You cannot whale your way out of using Bennett lmao)

  8. Hyperbloom is not bad in fact it's what i classify as casual friendly playstyle. Although, i must say it's overrated cuz sure it is strong but not completely broken due to it having a high dmg floor and low dmg ceiling. It is not my a cup of tea tho since compared to pure Quicken Teams, esp. at high investment, Hyperbloom and Quickbloom is mechanically irking me since Hydro consumes the Quicken Aura that there is a need to reapply the Quicken effect due to the fact that Hydro consumes the Quicken aura as compared to pure Quicken where it doesn't.

  9. I'm not sure if it's overrated but I haven't used hyperbloom in a few months because I find other teams more fun to play. I think hyperbloom has a place in the game for new players that want to beat the abyss with minimum investment.

  10. Finally a reasonable take on hyperbloom. I agree that the general public overrate hyperbloom in a sense that "it's the only think you can do and there's no point in building anything else". I also agree that people who say hyperbloom is bad have investment-bias and just have incredibly high artifact invest or whaled-out characters with 5 star weapons/constellations.

    The only thing I disagree with is saying that hyperbloom is perfectly balanced. It's very lopsided because it only scales with one stat. I think the damage should not have been this high and the idea of it being a "sub-dps" damage would have been better.

  11. Hyperbloom is by far, the best reaction and team comp, and its not even close.
    Unless we're talking about very very VERY high levels of investment (Artifacts, constellations…), rarely another comp beats it.
    Edit: And you answered to opinions, of random people who have no idea about the game… Lol.
    Anyone who knows a bit of Genshin and RPG combat, knows that Hyperbloom is just blatantly OP… And its not even close to the others.

  12. It literally wrecks any floor 12 chamber with ease, even those annoying worm type bosses. Easy to build also only need to farm emblem domain and deepwood domain. Only problem you may face is the hydro user xingqui may be required on other side.

  13. "there is hpb so i dont need to pull for x character" is true if you pull that character for clearing abyss only. cuz hpb does have a low ceiling but it's floor is enough to comfortably clear abyss,,
    this puts players in a good spot tho, not being forced to pull a character you dont find fun or dont like just cuz they're "broken"

  14. Ive said this before but it makes no sense for Mtash to complain abt hyperbloom anymore when its barely a top 5 ftp team in the game now. a year ago we were practically cornered into playing dendro teams, but now its simply an alt option that only scales way higher when you use someone like alhaitham. The team itself isnt the end-all be-all anymore, mtash really needs some TC in his life 🗿

  15. Hyperbloom is all good and fun until Hoyoverse starts adding Dendro immune enemies into the abyss. Players should focus on diversifying their accounts so they can clear different type of content.

  16. Been playing for 6-7 months now
    36 star the abyss without any dendro team 😂
    I started to 36 star when i got raiden and till now still no dendro team and still 36 star
    My teams are wanderer hyper and raiden furina
    All c0 5 star and 4 star weapons

    But i already have nahida now so yeah i think its time 😂

  17. Hyperbloom is for casual players, new players, returning players, or challenge teams (4 star only, healer only, etc). It’s not for speed runners, and I think that’s where the misconception appears. Hyperbloom as a team archetype is not designed to output the maximum potential of a single character, but rather act as a way to buff honestly subpar units and make them useable again for players who enjoy them. And honestly, for the average player, that’s good enough. Not everyone is a whale or long term player or has the time to play every day to grind artifacts the way most of us in the comments of this video do lol bc I’m guessing if you’re watching TGS, you’re probably hyper-invested and interested in min-maxing or at the very least you want to get more bang for your buck with your account. Hyperbloom is probably not the ultimate team archetype you’re interested in, and that’s ok, but it’s no reason to trash it just bc some people personally don’t like it. It’s a good team archetype, and it brings up the damage floor for people who are struggling to build teams.

  18. i can attest to the point that hyperbloom growing old.
    i started the game during nahida's banner, she was my first 5 star, a patch later, raiden reran and pulled her for hyperbloom. with barbara, nahida, and raiden, I cleared all of the game's content just so quickly (I cleared abyss after just 3 months of playing)

    but I got bored of it so quickly. yeah I can do a lot of damage, but the point of a video game is to have fun, and why play if I don't have fun. my favorite kind
    now I'm a xiao main and hypercarry is one of my favorite playstyles

  19. Don’t know if it’s overrated but I’m able to clear any floor within 20-30s with c6 Nahida, c2 Miko, Fischl and Baizhu. This team can ignore enemies/boss type, and it matters not if they are in air, underground or invisible. It’s just universally braindead🤣🤣 The second team however I always have to check on the enemies..

    But we only get to fight floor 12 and nothing more would ever come so whatever people prefer to use.

  20. I kinda have to disagree if its just hyperbloom dmg its pretty bad especially when you realize its completely st poverty investment hyperbloom is servicable in st but then you go to an aoe chamber and it falls of really quick


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