Is Hu Tao Worth It?! | Genshin Impact 2.2 Hu Tao Rerun Banner 2021

Is Hu Tao worth it? Is Hu Tao Good? These seem to be the big questions everyone is asking before the Genshin Impact 2.2 Hu Tao Rerun Banner. Today well be going over if you should summon for Hu Tao or if you should save you primos for future characters depending on what you have on you account and your playstyle and preferences. I’ve included some of my recent Spiral Abyss Hu Tao Showcase and Gameplay and my thoughts of her as a unit. Good luck to those that decide to summon!

0:00 So About Hu Tao
1:12 Waifu Over Meta, But Waifu Is Meta
1:47 Do You Already Have A Pyro Main DPS?
3:00 Is Hu Tao’s Gameplay Good For You? (Strengths and Weaknesses)
4:00 Hu Tao Charged Attacks (Do You Need C1 Hu Tao?)
5:21 Does Hu Tao Need Staff of Homa?
6:06 Should You Summon For Hu Tao? Final Thoughts…



43 thoughts on “Is Hu Tao Worth It?! | Genshin Impact 2.2 Hu Tao Rerun Banner 2021”

  1. Overall Hu Tao is Super Solid, Top Tier in fact! But I wanted to go over a few things that most players should keep in mind before going ahead and summoning for her. Also Thanks so much for 10K Subs everyone!!! ✨

  2. Got Keqing'd on Hu Tao's first banner and now Im back with 200 wishes for c1 Hu Tao. Farmed all of her mats and even have a lv 90 blackcliff pole for her. She'll also be my first triple crowned character. So please come home early so I can start saving for Xiao next.

  3. Just get the characters you like. In late game any character built enough is sufficient since the game is relatively easy so it's best you like the characters you build
    I'm glad you mention that

  4. I'm a ar 42 c2 yanfei main with diluc as my support, jean as my healer and beidou as my sub dps. My diluc build isnt amazing and i've wanted hu tao since i started the game but i didnt know anything about the gacha system at that time. I also only have 4/5 5 stars, Keqing, jean, diluc , kokomi and the electro traveler (currently at c2) I think i will pull for hu tao since ive always really wanted her and im close to pity anyways and i have a good amount of primos and good artifacts but thank you for making this video!:D i think it will help me on her rerun^^

  5. Here’s a few friendly tips I’d like to share with anyone that’s hoping to pull for hu tao:

    Coming from someone who used Klee a lot since her banner came out, I personally felt that Hu Tao’s kit was so much smoother in comparison. Obviously though, there is still a period of getting used to the character. Also animation canceling is still useful even if you have C1! There are instances where u want to or don’t want to pass thru an enemy (you might go too far and have to run back to attack again), so if anyone is really enthusiastic about hu tao, I’d suggest learning the animation cancel. It’s not as hard as some ppl think, a good indicator of when to jump is when her polearm swings all the way out during her N1. Also she’s really slow at running, so make sure u have a character that can hop around like kazuha or just a really tall character like childe or Zhongli on your team. Some content creators say the new Shinenawa is good on her in some situations but imo for ppl who don’t max refill resin it doesn’t justify farming an entirely new set to replace a crimson set you already have. The new set doesn’t go very well with corrosion either cuz u don’t get to burst as often. Also, I enjoy using Hu Tao’s burst to I-frame attacks too, it often saves me when I know my HP is too low to tank an AOE attack that can’t be dodged by simply drilling behind the enemy. In the new abyss, I found myself using Diona rather than Zhongli because she has healing included in her kit, and her shield is good enough at high investment. The 200 EM that Diona gives at c6 kinda balances out hu tao’s debuff when she’s above 50% HP, so that’s fine by me. Also there are 2 “yahooo” voice lines. The one you’re looking for can only be forced by jumping off a ledge and activating the glider.

    Good luck to everyone wishing for hu tao!

  6. I have Diluc as a pyro dps but I'm still going for Hu Tao because I like to challenge myself lolz aside from that, she is very cute, matches my playstyle I guess I would say…

  7. Hu Tao is a great unit held back by her heavy reliance on her C1 and Staff of Homa to maximize her potential. However, Hu Tao can still hit amazingly without those. Her large build variability with sets like Crimson Witch, Gladiator's and Shimenawa's make her relatively easy to build. Her C1 and Homa serve as massive inflations to her damage output, but you can hit 500k without them.

    That being said, large numbers mean squat in the overworld and are useless in the Spiral Abyss unless you can manage to sustain them. If you want strong Pyro Damage in Abyss for low investment, you'd be better off rolling for Childe and pairing him with Xiangling. Whilst Childe's C1 is a great quality of life investment, it's not necessary to maximize damage, where as Hu Tao's C1 is.

  8. I tried the Walnut but didn't like her playstyle. While I like high-risk high-reward, I like technical skill even more. Klee with all her animation cancelling is more enjoyable for me to play (she's also cuter).

    So, unless her banner has Bennett, she will be a hard pass.

  9. "How many pyro units do i have you ask?" i have amber which im trying to make my dps because i dont understand childe, i have xiangling but i stopped using her because she's not my style of gameplay, i have yanfei but i still haven't leveled her.
    . . . . . . ( oh yea i forgot that claymore pyro girl also exists)

  10. thanks for this man i was really contemplating on whether to get her or childe since i main a pyro character already (yanfei) but since i only have her then i guess it's okay to go for hu tao esp when i'm f2p 😀 (9.6k primos + 12 fates n still saving hope i win and get her on 79 pity<33)

  11. I'm a razor/beidou main, physical dmg build to be exact. I've noticed that almost every 5star character ultimately relies on elemental reactions and elemental damage boost. But I'm going to try and pull for hu tao for a different type of approach in the game. Besides, I've noticed that both of my characters don't deal enough damage anymore. So getting her might give me a little boost in my gameplay. THE reason why I chose her instead of childe is because I recently got xingqui from kokomi's banner, and I heard that vaporize is a good damage boost for pyro characters. This gave me alot of though before actually deciding. This made me hesitant, but I think I'll pull her on her rerun. Thanks for the descriptive video

  12. tbh the one chara i want is Ayaka, because not only she is beautiful, but i like how she freezes people just by dodging lol that being said, i'm sure she won't be coming back anytime soon, so might as well get a 2nd 5* (apart from Keqing), and she seems like a good pick 😀

  13. at the Moment i have Yoimiya and Yanfei and they are both in good position.

    The team i'm trying to achieve for main team is Raiden, Yoimiya, Childe, Bennett [i don't have childe]

    but freaking i want hu tao too. but i can't because i'm not rich on primos LOL. is it a fine decision to make?


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