Is Hu Tao Still a MUST PULL in Fontaine?

Hu Tao is in Genshin Impact for a very long time? How well has she aged and do you still need her in the Fontain Patch of Genshin Impact 4.1? Let’s discuss!

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TC & VO by Juice
TC & Review Kazjire
Editing by Pat

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #hutao


42 thoughts on “Is Hu Tao Still a MUST PULL in Fontaine?”

  1. I don't think C1 Hu Tao owners should be allowed to talk about how easy she is to play at C0. If she felt so good to play you shouldn't have pulled for her C1 and countered your point.

    Also, would just like to say, 5:48 this doesn't matter cuz we have a lot of different team options nowdays as you said it yourself ❤️

  2. I got her w/ r4 lithic and yoimiya w/ r5 rust. I like both, but until Fontaine they had little play time in abyss for me because the whole dendro meta. I’m glad they’re getting a resurgence.

  3. Been saving materials for about a month and a half, milking the fuck out of the game's primos for her, i have like almost 140 pulls so its pretty safe to say im guaranteed a c0 hu tao, thank god that weapon banner is risky or else id pull for it too, i dont ever want to have neuvi's weapon 💀

  4. Some opinions from me, CMIIW:
    – Yoimiya can cover AoE by pairing her with AoE units that have good synergy with her like Xiangling, Beidou and Kazuha in monopyro/overload. (Wait, you can pair Yoimiya with other units like other on-field drivers? No wayy)
    – The way you can optimize Yoimiya is to actually get good at the game and try more offensive teams that are shieldless to go more offensive since she benefits from more buffers (can use both Bennett and Yunjin). She doesn't need constellation or sig weapon to get massive improvement or "cover your skill issue" due to how great Rust is, just pair her with correct units and maybe read enemy attacks and have better positionings since she is a ranged character. Also, like Klee and Hu Tao, Yoimiya has animation cancel that can improve her attack strings. You can go from 3N5+N2 to 3N5+N4. Even if you can't, it will still help you do better than blindly spamming NA without any character movement/cancel.
    – I think this needs to be addressed. Not being able to play Hu Tao like speedrunners doesn't mean you have "skill issue", sometimes that's just what C0 Hu Tao is. The problem is that most of people I saw who said how you're supposed to play at C0 already own C1 with R1 Homa and maybe support weapons which is already non-whale speedrun tier investment and they kind of forget how C0 Hu Tao feels. I have been playing with my top 200 Hu Tao (akasha rank) at C0 and I know the difference between being able to spam dash cancel and not. Dash cancel is always faster than jump cancel, and it makes easier repositioning to make sure your Hu Tao can CA through more than one enemy or dodge incoming attacks. Surely she doesn't need C1 or R1 to be good, but she can definitely fall off if you're not able to optimize her, which can happen pretty often. So far when I see C0 Hu Tao being able to speedrun stuff, it's usually with the usual Homa+FS+elegy with some crit fishing.

  5. Best single target dps is wanderer, he outshines both yoimiya and hutao and deals massive aoe dmg as well. He is just the best of both worlds. So i'll be saving for his cons since I wanna make him a fast machine gun

  6. Question, i have Hu taos best team, should i pull her? Im saving for furina, i have 50 wishes, and 55 pity, as well as some primos saved.
    I have enough to get pity on weapon, and a 5 star. Im on 50/50. Verdict?

  7. Zajeff "The difference between tao and yoi at c0 is about 40%" at proper jumb canceling without jumb cancels should me around 30% honestly i am a mobile player and learning jumb cancels takes about few hours it's just muscle memory so easy eventually her playstype is generally fun and different my personal favourite some ppl love her invisible dash woth butterflies i personally love hitting more than 1 enemy with 1 charge atk i find tao very good for overworld too

  8. I think Hu Tao is great. If you like her playstyle she’s a wonderful DPS and definitely carried my team for a solid year. That said, her playstyle was not suited for me. I only had her C0 with F2P weapons and always hated jump/sprint cancelling her attacks – especially on enemies that teleport like maguu kenki, chasing them down with no stamina feels horrible. I didn’t like Hu Tao enough to go in for her cons or for Staff of Homa. Now that I have Lyney I DEFINITELY don’t have an incentive to pull for those luxuries. I still run her on the other half of the abyss and she’ll definitely be a mainstay on my account but I’m glad we have more options now

  9. Nothing against Hu tao but, her playstyle just doesnt seem like something i would enjoy and i also had a dream recently about furinas kit and Im def. going to be saving for that

  10. I like Hu Tao. Unlike some characters, her DPS is locked via Elemental skill which is on demand, and by that Energy Management for her is somehow a non factor which means building her artifacts is relatively easier.

    And regarding her element, Pyro is the best user of the Fontaine buffs, because they can trigger Burgeon, a reaction that can reduce HP, thus activate the region's niche of getting strong by some forms of HP manipulation via damage and healing.

    Vaporize is as strong as ever due to how pyro interacts with hydro, Double Hydro Core makes her explosive.

    One downside is you have to be always aware of her health, that is if you don't have a strong shield. If you are good enough, bypass having shield and team up Hu Tao and Fischl in an OverVape team. This is where her next Best in Slot weapon Dragonsbane will bring out thr best damage due to the sheer amount of elemental reactions she will be procing.

  11. I thought i dont have a pyro dps so I pulled for hu tao took me 165 pulls to get her. After watching this i rememberd i have yoimia😬 and she's pyro. I never used her except for a few boss fight in the beginning.The fact is I'm f2p and I'm broke now.😑

  12. im a player that invests horizontally into units. my hutao is on 4 piece crimson witch and r5 dragons bane and her dmg is good but i feel like my double hydro hyperbloom team insnt that much worse from it.
    for reference, i usually play hutao/xinqiu/yelan/flex slot(this depends if abyss has elemental checks like simon, this lineup i liked playing triple hydro with mona on 1rst half).
    her playstyle can be annoying, esp when im playing with more aggresive enemies. it can be a little tricky to do perfect cancels so i feel like the hypothetical dps she can do isnt that reliable, but this can go for every other character, just in a lesser degree ig

  13. Tao’s aoe isn’t ever really attached to her burst all that much since it’s hard to apply hydro to all the enemies.

    In reality her aoe capabilities are mainly locked behind sweaty speedrun strats where she one shots everything with her charge attack with good positioning and some luck. Definetly soft locked to ST, though not helpless.


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