Is He Worth Your Primogems? The Good and the Bad: C0 Ayato Full Gameplay Review – Genshin Impact

Ayato is finally here! Is he worth pulling for? Find out in this Genshin Impact 2.6 video. If you enjoy, make sure to follow the Twitch:
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0:00 Intro + Disclaimer + Brief Kit Overview
2:52 Pros of Ayato
8:01 Cons of Ayato
14:47 Final Thoughts [Is Ayato Worth It]

Venti Guide:
Is Venti Still Good?
3 Amazing F2P Teams:
2.6 New Artifact Breakdown:

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50 thoughts on “Is He Worth Your Primogems? The Good and the Bad: C0 Ayato Full Gameplay Review – Genshin Impact”

  1. For someone like me who don’t have kokomi or childe and for the longest time I only had xingqiu and mona (leveled and playable), if I had to pick from childe, kokomi, and ayato, I would go with ayato because I like his burst and playstyle more 😊. I needed a new hydro character and he seem to fit in many comps as a replacement for childe and Kokomi (who I don’t have )😊.

  2. I love that you did pros and cons …we share the same birthday so I pulled for him 🌊 also its nice to have 2 water boys ….after playing with him and having a c6 Xingqiu …I don't think I really needed Ayato but its cool.

  3. TBH, I think Hoyoverse do well on All PJ not to powercreep. Ayato is solid and he can be pair up with Ganyu and both Q support each other. Using Ayato not as DPS but SUB-DPS or Support would make him really good fit on Freeze Team, and the First Pasive os going to work on those rols

  4. 'Not noticeably best in any team' is a double edged sword isn't it! It does mean then characters like Kokomi, Xingqiu and Childe can be freed up in other comps right? This is what made Kokomi a much more valued unit (short while after her release…) because she opens up much better freeze comp and frees up XQ for other comps. Albeit, KKM has healing and emergency tank mode available.

    I think with Ayato not being best in any comp is actually a huge plus. Slot him into any team, and you're good to go. Like… Kazuha. But not as universal ha. That boy is crazy!

  5. The only reason I'm considering pulling for him is because i don't have Mona or Kokokmi and I was planning to pull for Ayaka.

    Is he worth it in that case or should I skip?

  6. His energy issue could be fixed by:
    Ayato burst>venti infused burst>bennett burst>raiden burst>Ayato E>repeat
    he should get enough energy from being off field for the A2 passive, venti passive, raiden and his E

  7. I literally only have Barbara and xingqiu for hydro on my account.

    Very excited to add a new hydro to my line up 🙂 he looks great, and seems fun to play.

    My big take away from your video though is that he needs energy recharge, but don't give him energy recharge.

    If his burst takes too long to charge, then I'll be giving him energy recharge. Seems foolish not to. If his average dps is better with the recharge than its worth it. Generally I'm not interested in higher burst damage, if it lowers my damage overall during bosses/long fights.

  8. Tried him with chongyun and c6 yunjin: 19 attacks instead of 15. He almost has Ayaka's Q for E
    BTW I 100% agree on the ER passive: should have been 40-80, not 0-40. I'm running him on a r5 Amenoma. I basically get 40 energy from it after bursting. Passive is useless for me. If it was 40-80, that would have been perfect.

  9. I believe he is really balance character.
    My ayato 1900ish att, 70/220, 8/10/9 with jade cutter
    Normally without buff he is around 9k-10k per slash

    The truth is i really dont know who's the best partner for him
    But when i run him with only zhongli. His damage around 12k
    When i try to put c1 yunjin (lvl 50 and 700ish def) and kazuha 400ish em. My damage output max at 17-18k per slash (zhongli e, lvl2 yunjin burst, ayato burst, kazuha e, ayato e)

    Maybe next time i will try to use bennet🤔

  10. I dropped all my saved primos/fates I was saving for him onto Yae only for her to be nerfed apparently (I don’t actually know how they nerfed her though)

    His attacks are really cool and I want Husbando

    Watch as I lose the 50/50 for the second time

  11. When I saw that he is coming along with Venti, I realised he will not be that great as even Hoyoverse realised that and put venti with him to boost the sale on banner.

  12. When I saw that he is coming along with Venti, I realised he will not be that great as even Hoyoverse realised that and put venti with him to boost the sale on banner.

  13. 13:45

    Him with Beidou Burst or Fischl c6 is'nt good? Both girls love someone how attack fast and with both in the same party, will generate alot of particles from Fischl and from ressonance.

    The difference of him vs Childe is time on field, Childe cannt be alot in field since CD so he is delegated to be more enable or finish the fight faster.

    But Ayato is a perfect mesh for someone who want put Xingq in the other half.
    But I have to agree that since Inazuma, mihoyo seens to make downgrades characters for not powercreep the other cofcofYaecofcof that was a such disapointing to see some characters just lackluster

  14. I still got him and his weapon even though I main Childe. Literally have no regrets, he's so fun to use and I love him as a character. :))
    I would have rolled for him regardless of if he's good meta wise or not, but it's good to know that he's not awful, lol

  15. I wasted whole week collecting for his material and when I pulled for him, I got Diluc.
    Now I don't know whether should I collect wishes for kazuha or try to get him. I wanted him cause I don't have any hydro 5 star character.


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