Characters That Suck Until They Didn't! Genshin Impact, Calling Bad Before Release Never Works!

Characters That Suck Until They Didn’t! Genshin Impact, Calling Bad Before Release Never Works!


Conker’s Bad Fur Day – Windy & Co;


24 thoughts on “Characters That Suck Until They Didn't! Genshin Impact, Calling Bad Before Release Never Works!”

  1. Just like to say there are very valid reasons for justifying skipping any of these characters this is mainly to poke fun at how some would write these characters off before they were even out

  2. The reason I think Shenhe was considered terrible was the whole "Icy Quill" limitation". There is a big reason for that. There are few five star limited characters that are worth C-6ing and Shenhe IMO is one of them.

  3. To be fair, I kinda understand why people were skipping Kazuha. Myself skipped him just because I wanted the electro archon more and I already had both Venti and Sucrose c6 who can do similar stuff to him (I was hype about him since the leaks thought and I planned more to get him on his rerun), and F2P like to justify skipping units to save primos. So there was probably way more people fighting about it to justify saving for Ayaka or Raiden who actually ended up been the highest selling banner unit with her/Kokomi rerun too.

    People were kinda hard to him, but at least he demonstrated his value just like Sucrose had to and now people regret their decision. (Sucrose was underrated too, maybe that had something to do with that too.)

  4. I remember once people said to me when I defended Kokomi on launch is "TaNk Is NoT eVeN a RoLe On GeNsHiN! StOp ScAmMiNg!" I love how ridiculous that argument sounded.

  5. The only case this applied to was Kazuha. Yae Miko and Yoimiya are bugged.
    Itto and Shenhe are simply too niche, therefore bad.
    Albedo is underwhelming.
    Noone said Zhongli was bad after the rework.
    Nobody said Ganyu was bad.
    Eula is bad. You just went and slapped the damage per screenshot argument in 2022, catch up, buddy.
    Kokomi is bad. Period, it is the truth about her kit. Only casuals like you would praise such a bad designed character.

  6. i could rant about how some ppl here in comment section are still diminishing albedo’s performance or saying he’s average, but opinions are opinions i guess, the fact that he buffs a lot of characters with EM makes him such a good support to me, my hu tao destroys abyss thanks to him, on top of that he’s an excellent battery for itto, noelle and every geo character tbh, 90% of my abyss runs i use him lmao, also maybe the title doesn’t apply to childe cuz i wasn’t around that early in game and i dont think he got hate pre release, but for a period of time ppl were saying he was sht and he was whale bait, that he needed cons to work, it’s hilarious to me how in his first rerun ppl were saying that and then 2.2 comes and now the narrative is that he’s perfectly fine at c0 and u dont need his cons, anyways as a childe main all i can do is chuckle

  7. Sadly I missed on Kokomi rerun because I chased the dragon that is Raiden c2. Not only did the coin flip screw me, I think I screwed up because I don't have the mechanical skill to run Ayaka/Kaz/Mona/Shenhe without them dying so I always have to take off Shenhe for Diona in floor 12. Kokomi would fit so nicely there.

  8. Guys. Don't pull for Yelan. She's not even released yet. You can't pull for an unreleased character. She's a niche and pointless character for not being released yet. Her kit is awful coz she's not released yet. She's not doing enough damage. Trash character. Skip.

  9. I never regret for skipping Kazuha because I saved for Raiden on her first banner.She is also one of the best characters in game.So Kazuha will come soon or later 👍 Also have Kokomi and Shenhe from this list,so I didnt listen anyone who throw hate on their release

  10. Good video but the zhongli part is way off base and I’m surprised anyone still believes he didn’t need a buff. I had him back then at c2 and I enjoyed him but he was not worth the spot over diona. She offered a lot more and her shield came with a a buff itself. Then throw in her c6 and you had a little monster when you had your sac bow on her. Zhongli pre-c2 was a dead pick in multiplayer (I know most laugh at this because most of us don’t play multiplayer anymore) and his shield didn’t provide your team anything. His ult could petrify but you can freeze 100 percent if you just used hydro and cryo like most do now.

    Now I will concede he didn’t need the buff he got. Back then I wanted his pillars to make consistent energy and to be able to shield others in co-op pre c2 so he wasn’t a dead pick. Hell even if it was a taunt shield that would of made more sense lol.

    All that said the real issue with characters like zhongli and diona and to some degree others is that the idea of shields on Genshin is a broken concept. They take out a huge part of the interaction in genshin. Then later we got characters like raiden who are unphased with the out a shield and keep swinging which eliminates the invincibility of being in the shield but making you again less interactive to the enemies and their move sets. There are ways they could of balanced the shield mechanic a lot better. Now it’s too late. A lot of people still use this as a sign zhongli didn’t need a buff, but the reality is compared to the shielder he came (diona) with he wasn’t worth using over her at the time normally and you slap sac bow on her you basically had shield 100 percent of the time. Before the geo buff geo shields were kinda trash lol. I still can’t believe the buff they gave him though but I can’t say I’m upset lol I never expected it to go through like it was setup.

    All that said I enjoyed the video 🙂 keep up the content.

  11. Albedo, accidentally got him when I was pulling for Sucrose. Zhongli, accidentally got him in his re-run. Kazuha, I skipped him cause I had Sucrose, and wanted to make a All Waifu Team 😄 Eventually built ZhongLi & Albedo as a Support Team for Hu Tao.
    Ganyu, Eula, & Kokomi, I Definitely pulled on them Despite the Hate. Not really good with Bows, so Ganyu's kit worked for me, and Love how she deletes things with her Charge shots.
    Eula, my Only Regret with Pulling her, There is No Mob in the Open World Strong for her. Her Normal Attacks Annihilates Everything before her Burst Explodes 😂
    Kokomi, Love her Through & Through, Despite the Negativity & Hate. When I first heard about her Kit, I was more Curious what I can do with this Character. Her gameplay required to get your mind out of the Meta-DPS Box. I mostly use her now on Taser Teams, still trying to get the Whole SuKokoMon Rotation right 😂 And her Japanese VA is Mimorin that voices Sonoda Umi from Love Live! 😍

    Still on the fence on getting Kazuha, No Matter How Good He is. I collect Waifus over Meta. All my males do Hard Labor on Commissions 😆

  12. still cannot believe that there are people who believe that Zhongli never needed that buff. like, what? so a GOD being worse than an overworked knight and the unusually highly loved knight of favonius wannabe is completely fine with you? him being the dysfunctional dumpster fire that he was pre-1.3 is okay? no. that man DID need that buff, objectively. people who say otherwise are mentally damaged.

  13. this whole video applies to kazuha and kazuha alone. nobody else.
    albedo was weak until 2.3.
    yae miko and yoimiya are so terrible that they're UNHOLY yet so many people like playing with them. whoever thought it was okay to release them in their condition needs to be demoted.
    kokomi is garbage. point blank period.
    itto and shenhe are probably the closest to being good, but are far too niche and thus aren't good.
    kokomi is still bottom tier junk that's not worth it.
    people only called ganyu bad until they saw 50k per charge attack and thus went crazy over her, demanding a rerun. morons.
    only idiots call post-1.3 zhongli bad.
    eula was never good. she never was and she never will be. deal with the fact. physical is NOTHING compared to melt or vape.
    kazuha does not suffer from any of the problems these characters have. he's not niche (shenhe), actually feels complete (yoimiya, yae), is actually fun (eula) and is anemo, which means viridescent venerer abuse.


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