Is Genshin Impact Overrated? | Genshin Impact

#GenshinImpact #OverHype #miHoYo

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Background Music:
Chiisana Koi no Uta


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20 thoughts on “Is Genshin Impact Overrated? | Genshin Impact”

  1. I guarantee you, it’s far better than any other gacha games out there. At least the gacha system is fair via pity system unlike the other gacha games.

  2. Genshin just got too much fame to handle too early. Remember in October and November 2020 when everybody and their mothers played Genshin. Remember just how many big content creators on both Twitch and Yt played the game. Genshin wasn't meant to be this big of a success and that is a fact. Game is not even 1 year old. Give it some time to properly develop. If you compare it with other big gacha games it doesn't have some of the basic features like guilds for example. So be patient. Its glory days are yet to come.

  3. The answer is probably, but just like everyone else here I'm very into the game and think it deserves this hype. I was away for a whole update (not by choice) and even during that time I was just excitedly waiting.

  4. You should make a comparison between the current state of the game to how things were in 1.0. The game has been slowly evolving over time, many new players may not know about how Condensed Resin came to be and how Dragonspine was just a pile of textures. Or how Venti can suck up Artifacts and how Zhongli was the least desirable 5-star at one point.

  5. its top tier although it has its flaws like the gacha rates, story line imo since i find half of the stories esp the main one uninteresting plus when you clear every content it gets boring but still for an open world rpg its the best out there and the designs, graphics, some ost are good overall a fun and immersive gacha solid 8/10 and also if you have good luck then you'll love this as much as i did but rn im just playing from time ti time since my luck be so good it gave me every character i wanted LMFAOO

  6. in my opinion neither over nor underrated, the game isnt bad, but its not perfect either, however for me is very good, its one of the few gacha games ive played for more than 7 months, i always quit gacha games cuz boring, gacha rates, too much farming, etc… things like that make me lose interest in the games and i never touch them again, genshin covers everything i like in a gacha game so far, cool characters and gameplay, most of the time fun events, interesting story, they keep adding new stuff so the game has so much potential, and the best part, YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT CHARACTER YOU GET, many people will say meehh the 50/50 and blah blah blah, but there is an actual pity system for characters that lets you get what you want, ive lost every single 50/50 so far, and i have all the 5 star characters i wanted to get, its all about managing your resources, but you can get what you want, in other games you can save for 2 months and if youre unlucky you wont get the "rate up" character, it happened to me and that annoyed me so much i inmediately left the game, genshin is by far the most interesting gacha game ive played, and yes, ive tried several games, but only this one has truly caught my attention.

  7. To me Genshin is a game you're meant to play for a couple hours a day kinda like Animal Crossing rather than something you can no-life for hours on end and I'm happy with it that way. I struggle to keep up with the new features each update + the main story and exploration so I have no idea where the "lack-of-content" sentiment comes from.

    Genshin is insanely good and fun for a free-to-play viable game and anyone who disagrees is being a contrarian or just bitter about the (100% optional) gacha, which is actually pretty forgiving compared to other gacha games.

  8. I wouldnt say over rated but the company prolly did get surprised by the number of people that played.

    also love that chiisano koi uta takagi ver blasting on the background

  9. My first dip into gacha and I see myself staying into the game for a long time. I’ve been playing since February and really enjoy it still even at AR 53. Genshin does have a huge fandom and gains more followers everyday. The fact a game like this is mobile is absolutely crazy considering the quality of content we get and I appreciate that Genshin keeps mobile players on their mind in their patches. Anyways to sum it all up. Genshin is huge and it deserves what it has.

  10. Lol no. Genshin is overrated.

    I think MMORPG developers need to make MMORPG based on TORAM ONLINE

    And this game, Genshin, got inspiration from Toram Online in the openworld vast world aspect seems like. Oh and also Ragnarok Mobile.
    But not the customization. Genshin have characters and that will make ppl trapped to the gacha trap. They don't support CUSTOMIZATION.

    While Toram Online.. The gacha is purely about the cosmetics. And it's good for F2P. The best MMORPG should be like that. Money is just for decoration and for some stuff like enchant and stuff like that

    The best MMORPG game should be like.. Toram Online x Dwarf Fortress Adventurer Mode(you can do lot of stuff like farm, quest, recruit companion, etc)

  11. Even though I think this game is beautiful and well made. I honestly prefer it from Honkai because of how chill it is. (Honkai is great and has better rates though) BUT I think it is overrated because of the toxic fandom and I'm tired of seeing people compare other less popular media that they don't even know. Like fanart of Ozymandias from FGO and some guy from a game called For All Time (i havent played it yet as it is a VN with no Eng release) get compared to Zhongli, when they don't even look like him. And don't get me wrong, I like Zhongli as he did come home for me, but the hype honestly gets annoying.
    P S: I am also kind of getting bored of Genshin, but it's probably because I don't have new characters from the gacha to spice up my gameplay. :')


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