Genshin Impact 2.2 Hu Tao Rerun Summons! Luckiest Pull Ever!

Genshin Impact 2.2 Hu Tao Rerun Summons! Luckiest Pull Ever!

I am The Genshineer! And I love everything Genshin Impact!

Today we are going to summon for Hu Tao in the Genshin Impact 2.2 and hope we win 50/50 and pull Thoma Dupes! Thank you to Norakvitou Rith for letting me summon!


20 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 2.2 Hu Tao Rerun Summons! Luckiest Pull Ever!”

  1. Thank you @Norakvitou Rith for letting me summon on your account 😀 it was fun!

    Best of luck to everyone summoning and let me know what you got! Also good luck deciphering the word!

    Looking for someone with a built Thoma to showcase on the channel. I would give you a welkin in exchange :D. Make sure to like and subscribe!


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