Is Eula Still Worth Pulling?
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Eula!!! Eula Rerun soon?: 0:00
Eula Most Important Notes and Playstyle: 1:19
How Good Was Eula Before?: 3:52
Eula In The Current Meta?: 4:59
The Problem With Physical Character: 6:41
Is Eula Still Worth It?: 7:58
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Is Eula Still Worth Pulling?
what do you think of Eula in the current meta?
When will they do live stream?
Good video explaining Eula's kit ❤❤❤
For players who just started the game or have very unlucky streak. You can Use Lisa and Noelle. Dabbling with the very accessible Units you can use her on. Kaeya is a very awesome Battery for her.
As for my personal use for Eula… I honestly use Diona/Rosaria, latter preferably has her C6, C6 Yunjin and Millelith Fischl.
Raiden Shogun for Burst Damage Bump and Burst Switch and Zhongli for the Thick Shield and Universal Res. Shred. Putting C0 Mika is a very heavy loss even with Healing. Preventing stubbing Eula's toes while dancing is much more important to be perfectly honest.
Wow new character! Was she part of the Fontaine leak?
Im going to pull for her. i would like to nuke my enemies hahaha. after that i will wait for Arlecchino (fingers cossed shes playable).
Still? Bro Eula was never worth pulling.
Unless you have like hutao, ayaka and alhaitham as carries and are just bored of performing good, don't get her
Hey i have a big question. Should i get kazuha or Eula?
I was thinking to get her c2 and use her artifact full set. Is it worth it to go c3? Or new character
wait is she confirmed for 3.8?
as Eula main since AR20 something I forgot my exact AR but damn after I got Eula my account power level skyrocketted A LOTS
so far Eula doesn't have any good support yes there's Mika but Mika is WHALE territory cause NEEDED C6
her best in slot for SUPPORT with Eula is Raiden Shogun . NO Rosaria nor Mika here but there's antoher BEST F2P opitnoin for Cryo Support in both Battery and Resonance is DIONA wtih 4P Tenacity that wtih of course 4P Noblesses Bennetts that's the BEST TEAM for F2P EULA
so for Team just bring Raiden, Bennett and Diona wtih her you'll be fine
honesty I'm quite sick and tired of people complain that her weakness is high physical resistant her BIGGEST THREAT/WEAKNESS is THOSE Elemental Shield from Abyss Mages, AByss Harald, Abyss lector, AByss Baptist,…etc those Abyss shit is HER WEAKNESS
When I first started playing and got used to the game mechanics and figuring out which character I wanted, I didn't even know Eula was a character
No, shes not. Unless you don't care about meta and just want waifu then sure. But she hasn't been worth pulling over other options for a while unless you're a whale and even then there's been better options.
i'm gonna pull for her anyways. saving since march.
Eula is most least worth value character in the whole game right now and will be in future as well, bc I dont think hoyo will ever give much thoughts on physical at this point.. So don't fall for fake Eula hype if youre a new player.. Of cource unless youre a eula simp go ahead.
I think considering how terribley placed she is in terms of her source of damage (physical) and the fact that she has almost no good supports besides that one team (Baal, Rosaria, diona) she does VERY and I mean VERY well, still competing in terms of dmg and still being able to nuke characters just as long as elemental shields aren't there (which is bad considering mihoyo seems to keep adding more and more enemies with elemental shields and high physical resistence).
Knowing that she is basically the most anti-meta character but still some how functions and can deal tons of damage I would say that she is definitley good its just the game is very much against her yet she still pushes through. There are far better options if optimization and meta are your priorites but as some one who has owned since her first banner and uses her in almost every abyss that has come out I still enjoy playing her and am still able to nuke enemies.
I will watch this video knowing I have no intentions of pulling for her
I'm still going to pull for her just to complete my Waifu collection xD
Hell no she not
For players new to the game, don't roll Eula. She's garbage.
She never was. 90% of the enemies in the game either go "lol I teleport you missed", or "lol iframe is back, you missed", or "lol I'll die before that burst is charged up and explodes".