We finally made it to Inazuma…
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#jeikage #genshin
i trusted u.. bye..
Mondstadt NPC and other immigrants who want to live in Mondstadt: "May the anemo archon protect you."
Jeikage who actually met the anemo archon: "May the drunk bastard protect you."
Eyooowwww kage now you're at inazuma, pls do a face reveal HAHAHA
paimon somehow more annoying this story arc my lord
You know, almost 100 episodes later and your cuts have gotten legendary jeikage
I never knew wthe Hiiragi daughter has a British lineage judging from her accent
did hiiragi NOT confess love Lumine? Because she did on aether
love your videos <3
I want to watch I want to support but spoilers 😭😫
Why did I just realize the electro symbol looks like a shuriken
I’m never going to emotionally recover from everyone from inazuma lying to me
Add extra apple sauce
You know YouTube is spiralling down REAL hard when Kage has to censor his sh*t
I remember when I first watched him he had 10k subs Respect fro gaining 110k subs
Kage has gone from:Ok Sir. To She calls me daddy too😏
She can make it you just have to use her E when you stop and then recharge stamina lol
You can use the E skill of Ayaka while you’re going on water that should help ^^
Dude katheryn like the new nurse joy and officer jenny from pokenon oh and when is mihoyo going to call the traveller by their name just call them aether or lumine what's the point of having a name if no one calls u by it
Hey Kage, will you be uploading the other Inazuma archon quests missions? :>
Glad I’m not the only one who thought “Kuristina”
Tbh i LOOOOVE inazuma. The scenery, music and all of the cutscenes so far but with how much they stressed about the tempests on the way, I was kinda disappointed we didn't get a deeper look into it. Maybe we could've accidentally fell into the sea or even separate with paimon temporarily for a deeper impact
Sea Drake? Are you from Canada?
Yes Kage, Canada is well known for their dragons. Their sea dragons.
did i just hear "ad astra applesauce"???
Goodluck for ayaka simpers
I don’t know why I know lumine wants a sewers for her brother but to me she was kind of being a bit btchy
I'm glad to see you got Mistsplitter for your MC as well 😀
time to go to inazuma doing ice bridges
guys i have a theory……
Werner is Timmie's missing dad
Lumine lookin fruity 😳
Imagine sidelining an important part of the voyage to a stupid web event…just, why
if you REALL want to see that hellish storm. you gotta ice bridge. I did it from beidou's ship with my two friends and three keyas
I'm simping for Thoma… ;3
Spying on that guard and Paimon constantly telling you he's gonna get away constantly drove me nuts
I felt terrible that MiHoYo made me turn Thoma down with helping with the Vision Hunt Decree (I was screaming "Forgive me Thoma!!")
14:22 lumine definitely is 💅we've all seen the possible endings for noelle's hangout we all know they were one second away from kissing
Kage, respect your waifus! They only make up 90% of the game's characters.
Bloody hell, I'm jealous of everyone who managed to pull the Mistsplitter Reforged…
Thoma: Would you be so kind to join our rebellio-
Traveler: I'm sorry but that would ruin my current any% run on my speedrun in finding my sibling
Glad I'm not the only one disappointed in how much they've hyped up the storm but didn't put any cutscene for it! All we got is a dumb web event…
Zohnling would break the bank's paying infinitely
*Inazuma Eleven Flashbacks*
@Jeikage if you want the risk – try to take the wave rider from inazuma to liyue 😛
When I read the letter thing I was like "i saved two countries you better pay me!!"
Thomas my beloved
Welcome Home, Ninja
you make your videos so funny with your comments 😂😂😂
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one disappointed that there were no storms on the way to Inazuma
Is it just me or the title changed?
Inazuma hates everyone you ain't special