Genshin impact kirara shield strength comparison.
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#genshinimpact #genshin #kirara #layla #zhongli #dehya #comparison
So you choose Shielder or Defender?
Poor kazuha 😢
Im soory but zhongli is our grandpa 😔
So… Dehya IS the strongest shield herself😅
Anti cc is different from shield tho. I’d rather have zhongli shield than dehya skill. That amout of damage on the character looks painful to watch.
Now if only have a healer for only the on field character!
*Realizing mihoyo sold a solution to the problem they created by introducing Baizhu
2 years without zhongli😢 now I'm prefer healer
Hit enemy first in cat form kirara and use e again
The valued of layla and kirara is application element as well and being good battery also
Bruh Kirara's shield is not fully optimized in this vid.
Kirara could've tanked 9 hits if you hit the ruin guard twice using her hold E
you should try thoma with stacked shield
What is the outro game ?
kiraras shield isn’t at max stacks she might be able to get 9 hits before shield breaks with max stack
And they say dehya is garbage
there better add some kinda of surival or defense against enemies mode in fontaine.
Zhongli is still best shielder😎😁
Dehya's immense resistance to interruption is actually kinda good. I'll see if I can get her in standard banner.
i thought zhongli's shield never breaks
Never regretted a single day pulling for dehya on her banner and actually getting her on pity 46 !!!
Best decision of my life !!!!
Imagine if you have Zhongli, your strongest healer, and Dehya you'll be unkillable like Immortal😎😁
Dehya They said she is worst in the game I saw value in her I wanted her but it took 170 pulls to get her 💀 but no regret i know she is a late game charecter 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👌
i wanted ot get zhongli, but 4.1 banners are so good so i skip him and use layla
So dehya also decreases damage taken by enemy