Kirara Shield Strength Comparison | Defender vs Shielder Genshin Impact

Genshin impact kirara shield strength comparison.
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*Video information*
– Game: Genshin impact
– Device: PC
– Account: Genshin Impact Server Asia

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#genshinimpact #genshin #kirara #layla #zhongli #dehya #comparison


25 thoughts on “Kirara Shield Strength Comparison | Defender vs Shielder Genshin Impact”

  1. Anti cc is different from shield tho. I’d rather have zhongli shield than dehya skill. That amout of damage on the character looks painful to watch.

  2. Now if only have a healer for only the on field character!
    *Realizing mihoyo sold a solution to the problem they created by introducing Baizhu


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