I'm Going To Prison Because Of Genshin Impact… | Tectone Reacts

I’m Going To Prison Because Of Genshin Impact… | Tectone Reacts
𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗛 | https://www.twitch.tv/tectone

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


32 thoughts on “I'm Going To Prison Because Of Genshin Impact… | Tectone Reacts”

  1. Its been 3 years and i will say this.
    I just got keqing and keqing with nahida is broken af (my keqing does more dmg than nahida damage),
    C6 bennet would completely ruin that team i will never understand why there are still people saying c6 bennet is good

  2. Tectone really missing out on the actual argument and slicing it to parts by parts without understanding the whole point really makes this guy unreliable. "C6 Bennet is bad" yep, you can't even trust this guy. 😆

  3. Okay, I would love to see Flip get a job at NASA. Better yet, Elon Musks Tesla company as "Chief Propulsion Engineer" in order to integrate warp drive into a Model S with his grand use of quadratic graphs. Honestly, bro sounds salty for working at a waffle house for 10 years.

  4. And now you can just factually prove them wrong with the whole f2p hsr thing, and the the fact that you can beat most of the harder content in the game and i can not imagine what sort of comeback they might have outside of "they're different games"

  5. It’s like with my friends they don’t know when I’m being sarcastic because I’ve fooled them too many times. The genshin community is like friends but they can’t think, have no humor, and don’t understand sarcasm.

  6. I have c6 Benny. No regrets. Though one I went in to abyss with Benny and ayaka forgetting he's c6. 😂 like why is she doing fire dmg 😂

    I also don't think he's so bad now cuz most characters that infuse with elements say it can't be over ridden.

  7. I only disagree with you about C6 Bennett since unless you're playing Ayaka or Eula who have better supports than him or teams that don't need him; or Keqing whose best team now is dendro based, it doesn't matter. C6 Bennett Enhances pyro damage too, not just infusion. And he doesn't override any infusion for the newer characters. I mean, other than that Flip's a brainlet. Most of these takes were wrong back then let alone now with hindsight, the ego is insane

  8. I disagree with every flip says most the time because god damn he nitpicks at EVERYTHING, including this video.

    Now I want to say the rest of this as, well not so misconceptually as possible, and please, read the whole thing before replying.

    I do think that some of Tectones takes in genshin are still shit though, ayato needing bursts off cool down is pretty accurate in most teams because the off field hydro is just so useful now with dendro.
    As for the other one relating to it, a lot of characters do want to use burst off cooldown. I know he said "every character wants to burst off cool down but not every character needs to burst off cooldown", he is definitely right here but I would argue that in most teams now, Ayato would just much prefer bursting off cooldown, I think his take was a bit more relevent before assuming that take was before dendro.

    Also, I'm speaking from someone who use to dislike Tectone as well because I was a starter player in genshin and still enjoyed the game very much back then, but I do think that he does spread misconceptions a lot but no on purpose, like he mentions, he makes jokes a lot and he has made guides that were for CASUAL players.
    I don't think you can really specificly make a guide for casual players when players who want to play a character more optimally to enjoy them more comes across it, they can't exactly do anything about it, they could be new and his guide was a guide they saw.

    Of course I mentioned earlier I use to be someone who dislikes Tectone back then, that has changed now that I have experienced Genshin and could understand what he means, as for the people calling him a drama baiter or something in genshin, I don't think it's that it necessarily the genshin community but the NEW players who started the game, to them the game is new and so it's fun most the time and to see someone shit on the game, it really does hurt, speaking from personal experience, it definitely annoyed me a lot when I was playing the game and had fun.

    Anyways, hope this doesn't cause any shit in this comment section, just wanted to offer my view as someone who kind of went from disliking EggMan very much to understanding some of his views more often.

    And P.S.
    I also think that maybe because he is loud asf most the time, it causes some misconceptions to people who walk in on his content and think he is baiting and shit, also speaking from personal experience, again I understand more now.

  9. To Tectone’s opinion of c6 bennet.
    It is a valid one, however, I myself, a self proclaimed semi-casual, did it for 2 reasons.
    1.I hated the ! on the character icon.
    2. I wanted to make myself consider other teams that don’t include bennet. It lets me use more than just bennet for different situations.

  10. He is only right on one point yeah C6 Bennett was never bad but you and mtach ruined C6 Bennett for everyone i didn't listen and got him to C6 the moment i got it but it was so annoying that everyone saying its dumb to do that for 2 years and now people finally start to realise that they are stupid


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