Layla is the BEST 4 star since 2.0 – GENSHIN IMPACT Analysis and Guide

Layla is broken? How could that be? She’s new! Everyone knows new characters in Genshin can’t be good…right?

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0:00 Intro
0:47 Layla Overview
3:25 How Strong is her Shield?
8:51 Stat Requirements
10:01 Weapons
11:47 Synergies
14:03 Pros and Cons
15:25 Conclusion
16:01 Outro


34 thoughts on “Layla is the BEST 4 star since 2.0 – GENSHIN IMPACT Analysis and Guide”

  1. I dont want to protect sacrificial sword but you talking about that sac. sword cant proc off field but you have the same problem with favonius

    The point is you want to play layla with HP sand, goblet, head and flower + feather want HP% rolls

    So lets say :
    Flower and feather have both
    3% CR and 5% ER

    Sand, goblet and head get flat hp rolls and 2 rolls in CR and 2 rolls in ER so
    CR : 3% + 6% + 8%
    ER : 10% + 12% + 5%

    That makes a total of
    CR 23% + 5% base = 28%
    ER 37% + 100% base = 137%

    If you use layla in a team with 2 cryos you maybe have 15% CR more so 43% but some teams would only use layla as cryo and around 30% CR is not realy good with a favonius weapon especially if the character have low on field time and is on field for basicly 1-2 hits, even with 50% CR thats not realy optimal

    Also with the ER she got from the artifacts + C's she doesnt realy need a high ER weapon depends on the team members ernergy particle

    The only problem layla have is we literally have way to less 4/3 star options for her that are worth useing and the only sword with HP are 5 stars

    I have jade cutter since version 1.3 but using it for 20% HP sounds like a waste on a off field layla and i dont pull for nilous weapon so favonius sword is right now still one of the best 4 star options because we have nothing that realy fits her we dont even have a 3 or 4 star sword with HP

  2. I absolutely don't think she has limited weapon options, in comparison to other supports or sword users who normally only want Fav sword and 5* stuff.

    It is a pity that her damage got nerfed in the 3.2 beta in exchange for her shield consistency and other stuff, because otherwise she would've been an amazing sub-dps, too.

  3. her c1 and c2 isnt strong. have a. strong shield is good but doesn't make you OP. zhongli is good because his shield lasts longer than his cool down among other things. she is single target and has inconsistent applications which isnt good. I want her to be good but well have to see. good vid though.

  4. Every one is excited to use her with Ayaka and ganyu but I'm here wondering how better or worse she is for Eula. Is it worth investing and replacing c6 Diona as well as farming a second set of tenacity for her?

  5. I don't think she will be as good as this video make her out to be.
    Sure the buff is nice, but you need C4 to get it. You'll need to spent a lot or be really lucky to get the new 4star to C4.

    Also, the C4 buff is gone after you deal your initial damage, so you'll use it on your weaker hit, which is kinda meh if you want it on your melt/vape hit on Hutao or Yoimiya, or even melt Ganyu.

  6. If I had an Ayaka with a freeze team with Ganyu as a sub dps would I possibly consider replacing Ganyu for Layla?

    The team currently is Ayaka as the on field character and then Ganyu kokomi and venti and I was curious Ayaka might like her more then Ganyu

  7. I have so many characters to crown now and it's such an issue.

    Still need to triple crown Lisa, Keqing, Eula, and Nahida
    and now i need to double crown raiden and layla omg

  8. How everyone says thoma is bad I have to say, he fit a very niche role in the kazuha hutao team where he provide the fire for kazuha. Allowing hutao to deals about 20-25% more dmg than using zhongli as shielder. That is of course the sad reality of me not having yelan for the option when zhongli is the shielder (dual hydro hutao best team)


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