If YOU Answer Correctly, I Pull [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

So something unexpected happened on Swords Only… As a result, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and do some pulls on Ayaka’s banner. But of course, not in the expected way. I brought in some viewers to join me, and if they answered my questions correctly, I had to pull on Ayaka’s banner.

MiHoYo put out a tweet saying “Polearm Impact”… And then I saw Mtashed make a new account where his focus is just having fun on the account in Genshin Impact… So I decided to take it upon myself to make a new account, but only use characters who wield a sword because absolutely nobody asked me to.

Link to the Swords Only Playlist:



#Genshin #GenshinImpact #OnlySwords


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