Guide on the new Hypostatic Symphony event in Genshin Impact. Total reward for this event is 420 primogems and some upgrade materials.
Need average of 2860 points per fight to get all rewards.
Only need 2000 points each to get the unique nameplate reward.
Day 4 Electro Boss (Again) / Challenge 4 F2P Guide – 3015 points.
Overall guide for all 3 Hypostatsis Cube bosses:
Check out my other Boss and F2P Character Guides in my channel.
0:00 Day 4 Changes
0:44 F2P Team Setup
1:07 F2P Razor Build
2:15 Boss Guide
5:48 Attack Pattern/Guide
Fight behaves the same as Day 1. Modifiers that changed are at 0:16. I talked about some optimizations at the beginning of the fight.
It's just so hard if ur main dps is Childe against these bosses 😭😭
I struggle even with my lv90 5stars but thanks to you I can do it 😀
Ez clap
you're hella good at dodging damn…
Do these fights scale off world level? I use easier conditions to get to 2K yet I get clapped badly. Just wondering!
What weapons and artifacts are you useing if i may ask? I seem to be pretty bad at this, although i pushed 4 chars to 90 :/
demn, this channel deserves more subs ngl
thank youu
Now this is amazing. Subpar equipment, underleveled party, more than the average points earned on one of the hardest content to date. You sir just earned a sub! This is inspiring work! You made it look so easy!
thanks for the guides bro, i haven't actually started the event cause i havent played in like a week cause of school, so i hope this guide could help me later
Dude, your guides are incredible, but I suck at this game! Besides defeating the first electro cube, I didn't beat any other cube. 🙁
I thought my razor build was not enough for the game until I saw yours .
Your Razor is hitting harder than my Diluc
U didn’t show which challenges to select
Funny that we use the same strategy using kaeya's burst to wipe the prism. BTW you can break the post of the barricade using pyro or cryo. Cryo can break it quicker and just walk from the spot where the post was broken.
Really like how truly F2P this guide is. You see a lot of "F2P" guides where F2P basically just means that they're only using free C0 characters, but the all the characters used are level 90 and all the relevant artifacts are +20 with good rolls. They show something that's guaranteed to be possible F2P with enough dedication, but not realistically achievable by all players.
Sure, not everyone has a Razor or Bennet, but given how yours are built just about anyone should be able to get someone with a similar power level.
I really love how effective you are, I've never thought of using Geo MC to create a wall that blocks the cube's attack, that's so cool
tsoul u are my fav genshin youtuber and i appreciate your guides so much!!!
Your attacks are very optimized! No wasted movement or seconds! Respect
argh! i screwed up again! coulda had it in under 3 minutes but used my ults in wrong sequence for final crystals… then didn't have any bursts for second round of crystals and finally got it in 3rd round of crystals. ahh well, still got it for 2200pts… and it only took 2 attempts. thankfully, it never went into the caged phase, just kept repeating laser pinwheel. thanks again!
The laser spin is so annoying. It will sometimes spawn the lasers right on top my character so I can't even sprint to avoid it
wait, hold on, you are telling me that all this time I could have used geo constructs to avoid some of the lame mechanics in these rubics cube bosses?
well now I know better.
These videos helped me a ton! Thank you!
Hi fam. Loved the video. 😆 😃 You have to put out more vids! You have to connect with Bad Friends. Their pranks are like Vitaly and a blend of MrBeast. They're the funniest group on YouTube and they straight up drink in every vid.
You should totally check out their channel out and give them a subscribe! 👉 #NextUpBadFriends
when ur stats are better than his but u can barely do this event on normal 😭
He really is the best GI youtuber
this event made me appreciate geo MC more
What modifiers did you eventually use?