If I Curse I Roll Genshin Impact
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Edited by: Bob
00:00-00:36 Intro
00:37-15:02 Challenge Starts
15:03-17:33 WISHING TIME
17:34-21:26 Challenge Continues
#GenshinImpact #genshin #BranOnline
Something a little different today! Hope you enjoy the content where I don't curse for 21 minutes and 26 seconds not once 🙂
come hang out and join the community on twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/branonline
17:37 darn i almost got him /s
This was so entertaining 😂😂 watched this live and chat is trying so hard to make him swear
Shove it where?
5:15 non freeze ayaka I can't
Just put Barbara in there instead of zhongli . Actually whale should have mona , put her
Just finished watching the video and got some wierd genshin ad where cyni and tighnari sing about kaveh '-'
7:03 oh god save my eyes
I really like the editing on this video 🤣🤣
What a great video. True, compared to your much older videos, you seem to swear so much more now… Nice take on it
bran and chat def showing tutorials abt middle child and used to be youngest child interactions lol
My account is so shit I barely made it to floor 8(ar56) xd I really need artefacts
hehe yu do curse alot m8 haha
tbh i got 2 wolfgravestone in a single pull yesterday and now i have r3 weapon and c4 diluc
I was more shocked about bran not having Raiden Shogun then anything about nova's account. I just don't expect especially content creators to not have her.
I love this😭
The fact that on my FIRST EVER 10 pull i got a wolfs gravestone and now i wish i had gotten Mona or Tighnari
Hearing Bran not cursing as much is so nice tbh. I know it's natural for people to be comfortable saying bad words, because I do too, but watching someone on YT cursing a lot just gets annoying after a while.
You did decent 👌 I’m impressed, keep training your no-swearing ability
This was fun 😂
Bran I want you to try my account I almost 6 stared floor 8 with an Ayaka, kokomi, albedo, and Diluc. All but albedo are at lvl 50
I reallly suck at building characters XD my stats would probably make some people cry 😂 I don’t pay attention to stats…but I probably should 😅
The fact that I also pray for Kaeya cons and the wolfs gravestone brought me joy that you do the same! Someday man! Gotta dream! Awesome video!
Poor Bran. He’s been in Genshin longer than me and yet, I gotten Wolf’s Gravestone as not just my first 5 star weapon but also 5 star from the standard banner in my second month of playing Genshin.
This vid both makes me want to do abyss but makes me not want to do abyss
he already said a "curse word" at the very start of the vid he even said it in the tittle
I've been playing this game since February, I have only a few 5 stars , but I do have 37 characters in total now. I have some solid builds, but not a single lvl 90 character, my current best damage is Eula C1… I challenge you, Neigh I DARE you to be able to beat not even floor 12, but floor 11 with my account. I've been struggling to beat the Mirror Maiden/Cicin mage combo ever since the last Abyss actually.
In the thumbnail he is saying Felafel
It must have been a relief to know the timer ran out where he got Dori
i love your videos new subscriber btw i found you from doro and the worst wishing happened to me i wished on kokomi banner 101 times c4 yanfei c2 faruzan c2 rosaira and a new mona but no kokomi
Anyone know what the song playing here is called 9:15
Is it just me or the purple meteorite crystal thingy whatever changed?