Today in Genshin Impact we’re raising the newest 5-star hero Chasca and going in-depth on her mechanics.
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0:00 Intro
0:12 Finishing Chasca
1:18 Talent & Constellation (Deep Dive)
5:25 Chasca Build: Weapon
6:31 Chasca Build: Artifacts
7:47 Tri-Element Team Test
9:18 New Abyss
9:54 Ayato Double Pyro Showcase
11:18 Tri-Element Showcase
13:49 Furina Double Pyro Showcase
15:43 Final Thoughts on Chasca
if you get her constellations, try this team: Chasca, Furina, Charlotte, Shenhe. I think it'll do just fine
For 4 star weapons the inazuma craftable is pretty good for her cause it increases both attack and charged dmg which her skills held shots count as with her skill
Ooh 58 is pronounced ninety eight ty
About Chasca's a1, the 3 HPEC buff of 65%, is it additive damage bonus that stacks with other elemental/normal attack damage bonus, or is it total damage increase like Neuvillette's a1?
Pls try a chasca burgeon team
Too bad you could not test ororon with her as he is one of his best partners
I threw a couple pulls at the banner to try to get a single copy of Ororon, not really intending to get Chasca. Then I get her C1 early (35 pity) using both my Guarantee and my guaranteed Capturing Radiance(have had some truly dire luck since 5.0 launched)… Well… Guess I'm skipping Neuvillette and hoping not to lose the 50/50 on Mauvika… At least she is a fun exploration character…
omg not the pegasus thumbnail
Ooh!! Moga I have some questions;
Firstly is Shenhe a viable choice for a teammate for chasca, since she does cryo dmg when she has a cryo teammate? Also, her held attack is considered charged atk damage, so shouldn’t the normal attack be a priority? Sorry if I’m not understanding well!! Wouldn’t call myself casual but def not a theory crafter lol.
the red battlepass bow is good for her, it gives charged attack buff and crit rate
The funny thing is that if you use the skyward harp bow, you actually can also do phhsical damage. This physical dmg also gets buffed by superconduct.
Yes the beep song
Dat beep tho.
Thought a Mr Sujano vid was playing for a second there lol
I accidentally got her to C1 whilst trying to get an Ororon and couldn’t barely tell a difference but since getting him he’s been a big damage bonus to her
0:47 knock off argo????
I really don't think she is worth the constellations tbh , she is good enough at C0 if a little limited but he cons does not make her better they just fix pre existing issues and its stupid. I suggest you hold off on that especially since 2 new charecters are coming next patch and they probably will benefit from the constellations more.
The beeps made sense
12:10 Lisa gives literally no energy unless you hold her skill, you’d mostly be relying on benny (who’s skill you missed a few times in the clips), and furina
So when is the song dropping on Spotify???
She is better at being a support than being a dps , use scroll set with crit stats, she has highest anemo res shread , may be in a team like furina fishel and bennet , in this team use her as main dps , yae miko is also a good alternative for fishel
hpec is awkward kkkkkkkkkk after hearing everyone say pech
Next week, when you do God Mode, I recommend using Shenhe in your last slot at some point. She’s my personal favorite Chasca support rn, with the charged attack damage buff along with melt and freeze when you run Bennett/Furina. Can probably slap a good Cinder City set on her and do pretty well, and she works even without it.
Watching this so i could figure out why all the chascas in coop were doing such low damage
loving the new beep remix
8:28 bro was too nagative about her she suprised him..
Clearly she doesnt need any bows because she already has a freaking flying gun.

Mans dropped star rail for zzz and Wuthering waves and haven’t touched those games in months
I'm using the desert pavilion chronicles but idk if it's a good set for her I need someone to clarify whether its good for her or not
the pegasus thumbnail

thank you for your efforts
Chasca is by far my favorite freeze DPS
Wanted to go for her, got up to pity 70 then saw her mid dmg(not bad dmg just not OP) and while dmg is not my main criteria the gameplay is and while she's fun to play it is literally a russian roulette, some bullets are random, the ICD f**ks you over and so on, it literally feels like a 1 in 10 times you get the perfect RNG to react the right bullet at the right time.

I will stay at pity 70 until Mavuika comes, she's a horrible disappointment tbh, whoever tought the god of the nation with no roads and barely any dirt paths aswel as houses made of sticks and stones has a goddamn motorcycle was high as hell on the best quality psychedelics
Why is he using her burst before doing her skill. Brother you should always use her burst after her skill for the crit rate buff
Pyro – Hydro – Electro – Cryo – Geo – Anemo – Dendro
Well if you do the story quest, you can understand why she works like that, they gave pretty good explanation…
i want her but i want neuvilet what should i do
I love the cover

I heard somewhere that if there are no opponent in the vicinity (aka they went underground or teleporting somewhere else) that Chasca will stop charging her shots until they show themselves back.
From all the vids you have done that i saw since 1.4 this was ur most professional and best "guide" video good job!
what is meant by generic bonus, you mean affix multiplier ? that is goblet, or artifact/weapon bonus
i need to stay strong for mavuika