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I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!

Edited by: Bob


#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #miHoYo


48 thoughts on “DOTTORE ARRIVES (ARCHON QUEST ACT 3) | Genshin Impact 3.1”

  1. Also this might be my favorite archon quest chapter overall for now, it felt so alive. So mamy cutscenes and the voiceacting was awesome, when you compare the animations to the one’s back in mondtstat archon quest you can really see the huge development. And the emotions were definetly there, especially for scara and setaria (for an npc)

  2. About the omega build, in Childe's voiceline about Dottore + the Lazzo trailer, it's implied he's made robotic clones of himself. This is just the omega technology, there are more of Dottore out there.

  3. maybe dottore can switch form/body or whatever to the current timeline with his other clones that are some stronger than the gods.. he cannot be fully killed, like some voldemort harry potter shit

  4. Bruh, Scara literally got angry at his child friend just because HE DIED. That's just stupid. And then he even burned that poor dead child's house as he was lying there with his toy… That's unforgivable, Scara, unforgivable.

  5. Nah scara is just a squirt having parental issues. Remember Ei told traveller the reason why she let go of scara because she didnt want him to be burden by her divinity and role as a god so that he may carve his own path the way he wants but he took it the wrong way typical brat 🤦‍♂️

  6. There's so many funny moment in this video :
    – When Bran sees Aether shocked pikachu face when seeing Scaramouche past
    – When Bran saying "Mamma Mia" (I almost spit my drink laughing at this)
    – Seeing Cyno and Alhaitham arguing and said "petty" to them 🤣
    Anyways, good video. Can't wait to see new video.

  7. I think it's fair not wanting to trust Alhaitham. He didn't trust us either lmao I love that about him tho

    (edit) like why would he leave something so mysterious and potentially dangerous (divine knowledge) when even his higher ups can't be trusted? and we're absolute strangers as far as he's concerned. 😅

  8. I was so shocked when Dottore showed up! I didn't expect it, I saw the guy in the official art and fanarts but I didn't know it was Dottore XD In the cutscene I yelled, I insulted him, until I realized that I didn't hear anything he said, however, I didn't panic because I could still find out here or in another video…
    Dude what an experience! And I LOVE the voice actor!!! Almost gave me chills o.o

  9. Honestly, Al-Haitham gives me way more Dainsleif vibes than Childe vibes, which is funny considering I absolutely despise Dainsleif and adore Al-Haitham.

    Also, it's great to see Genshin write an asshole that says shit like "you have no asking privileges". Genuinely one of the most refreshing characters in Genshin at the moment, for me at least.

  10. lmao scramoush has such lack of self awareness… personal i cringe at his back story.. especially the "child broke their promise to me by dieing of illness they cant control" part..
    also we all have people who shame us.. kinda something all humans deal with in their lives.. the Ei part… i dont think to her knowledge correct me if im wrong knew he was CONCIOUS/SENTIENT at the time..
    i dont feel sorry for him at all tbh.. agains especitally over the LAST reason. its just utter nonsense to me. . i dont mean its not real world thing that somepeople might go thru.. butt it doesnt change the fact its a utterly nonsense believe/view to have.. aka "HOW DARE U GET CANCER AND DIE FROM IT.. U TRAITOR"
    id be like "bruh.. u CRAZY.. xD and its UR OWN FAULT BRUH.." xD
    u peaked my interest with the first reason… the 2nd reason was "eh relatable butt still chill.. life moves on.. and u compeletly lost me on the last one.. like NO STOP IT.." xD
    though i do enjoy we have a villian who is self deluded by his own lies..

    butt as far as his story goes..
    i mean look at Kathrine also a puppet butt she aint mopping or trying to be a "real boy/girl" she talks about maintaince and etc… seems she is OK with what she is and not trying to be anything else.. in way it gives Raiden Puppet vibs who also wasnt trying to be HUMAN and completely ok with what she was…. both are trying to be something their not.. on the flip side.. scaramoush needs to touch grass xD

    imma enjoy beating him.. i hope he's not playable cause i prefer to make him rank 0 along with doterrie .. these fools need go.. 6 feet under in the lore..
    if signora dies and still so far hasnt killed any innocent person even had complete restraint when she was the crimson witch going crazy and only killing monsters..
    no way imma be ok with scara and dottorie who not only killed and kill people butt torture and other horrible stuff… 🤣 im tryna ice these two characters..

  11. love candace lisp with her s's,z's
    i had a lisp as a kid and had to go to speech class for it..

    sea shell sea shell by the sea shore.. that was so fun for me to say when i had my lisp.. xD

  12. I hope Mihoyo will release Scara as playable character, it would be easiest skip in genshin history. I love seing how bad they want to do a redemption ark for him with this sad cutscene while he is nothing more than emotionally unstable teenager.

  13. Why would you call dottore gigachad when he is the shittiest person in genshin? I swear I don't understand how could people like that madlad scientist who treat children like tools. I could never forgive him for what he has done to Collei.

  14. Even after the Scaramousche cutscene, I still don't have much respect for him. So far, only Signora and Childe had the courage to face the traveler without any sort of trick or poisonous gas.

  15. btw if you choose health in the fortune teller scene, she will tell you that you'll live for tens of thousands of years more and then Paimon confirms it the same way she did the love option. Edit: I forgot chat is there. Well props to Bran for asking them and finding out immediately!


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