This Is Why Kokomi Is BETTER THAN EVERYONE! | Genshin Impact




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31 thoughts on “This Is Why Kokomi Is BETTER THAN EVERYONE! | Genshin Impact”

  1. I’m so glad I pulled for raiden earlier. I ended up getting her donut then Kokomi. I’ve only played with her a little bit since her rerun just released, but she gives me the same type of relief as zhongli does. She’s very comforting to have

  2. i pulled kokomi coz i wanna try her, but i want to team her with the raiden shogun.
    i know there is better team for raiden, but what do u think about raiden kokomi ?

  3. She is really good (especially with corrosion enemies) but I will always say this "Not getting damage is way better than healing them" especially when the enemy can 1 hit KO your character (my Yoimiya dies without a shield from every boss).

  4. how good kokokmi is depan on what kind of team we place her in. It all depan on us. I didnt get her in the first time because i dont have a team suitable for her role . But now she have a huge role to play. she will be replacing barbara

  5. Kokomi is a Must Have Character as she makes Genshin Spiral Abyss and Overworld Exploration Easier👍 Highly Recommended for New Players to speed up their Rank because it makes the Game Easy and even Upcoming Regions she is a must have for their Harsh Conditions❤I have 36 Stars the Spiral Abyss in my 2 accounts with her and 3 Four Star characters. With her in the Party, You can use so many Reaction Teams and just dump all 3 DPS as they wont die much as she is the support, healer, driver, booster and Tank in one. A Blessing for us Mobile Players, Just tap and Go❣

  6. Kokomi is definitely a very good character but this is just overrating her. She doesn't even come close to Zhongli in terms of support capability. Her meta teams are taser, Sukokomon and freeze. Mona can easily replace her in freeze teams because Mona provides a massive damage boost, Sukokomon is very very hard to pull of and use. Taser is limited to AOE. She is definitely a good character but not as op or must use as this video claims.

  7. I got her by accident during her first banner about 8 pulls into pity and was so bummed at the time. That quickly changed once I actually built her shortly thereafter and fell in love with the comfort and flexibility from her role compression. Definitely a big Kokomi fan now!


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