I burned 300+ artifacts for Cyno… (Artifact Strongbox) | Genshin Impact

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Genshin Impact Artifact Strongbox

Enviosity tests his luck with the Artifact Strongbox for the first time since the 3.0 Sumeru release for Cyno. Will Enviosity get a good Thundering Fury piece or will he fail? He also tries to get a 4-piece Blizzard Strayer set for his Ayaka.

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40 thoughts on “I burned 300+ artifacts for Cyno… (Artifact Strongbox) | Genshin Impact”

  1. I've gone to the new artifact 5 or 6 times. So far I've gotten 2 promising artifacts, one from each set. I've also gotten 2 Dendro goblets that aren't really copium in the slightest. One from CW strongarm box and one from the Spiral Abyss rewards.

  2. Spent 2 months worth of artifacts for blizzard stayer. In the end i got only 1 DECENT piece of all the copium it gave me. Blizzard stayer stats rolls are the most bullshit thing hoyoverse has created

  3. i threw around 700 artifacts in the blizzard strayer strongbox for ayaka and i got 2 good artifacts out of it, but not one single good attack sands

  4. I used I think around 800 artifacts today and I got so damn lucky I had to stop cause if I kept going I'd have no artifacts to use as exp, my hu tao, kazuha,Keqing, fishcl and ayato have all gotten completely revamped artifacts and are all much stronger, especially my ayato who now has 81cr and 238cd, dude is a beast now.

  5. I love how some people in the comments are acting like if you don’t use the new set on cyno it’s the end of the world. I’ve done the math already, they are almost the exact same, so use whatever you can get the best set for ppl, personally ima use thundering fury until I can get a good dreams set.

  6. If you're here watching Enviosity and reading this and feeling inspired, then keep going grinding away! We are all in the same boat here looking for ways to help all our channels. keep up the good work and Never Give Up!

  7. I rolled 150 artifacts into the strong box last week trying for some better VV, TF and CW. Got a couple pieces that have huge potential and one really good TF flower that started with max ER and double crit and flat HP. Rolled it to level 20 and ended up with a 38+ CV and only 1 hp roll. Definitely an upgrade for my electro characters.

  8. There are certain domains that people may not like farming or have farmed to oblivion that there is no more space even at 1500(I certainly reached it). I just could not find the time to sort which will be fodder and which will be good. I can only account the recent ones.

    So like me, I throw in while sorting through the bunch of artifacts and randomly get a possibly good outcome. If its bad, I say hey more space to farm and fill again or just throw it in the tumbler again for a different result.

  9. Uhm thunder furry is cyno best set if you use him in an aggravat focused team (wich you probably want to to but sadly you don't have any support to maintain the dendro ) tilted dreams could be his second best or first best depending on your team


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