I Built Venti On The Regions Only Account (Genshin Impact)
I know this video is short but I didn’t really know how to format it. However, in this video we worked on improving our newest edition to the mondstadt team: Venti! Also if you found yourself enjoying this video at all while watching it subscribe! As it does help me grow as a content creator!
Traveler MUST BE in my party at all times
I can only use characters from the region when i’m playing the archon quest, domains, and exploring.
Traveler must be the element of the specific region
commissions must be set to the region I’m currently playing through in genshin.
I have to be 100% done with a region story quests and archon quests before moving onto the next region.
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r u considering the spiral abyss "mondstadt" since the portal is in mondstadt? or is that just whoever u want?
Another day of grinding:'D You have the patience I could never had lol.
great vid btw-
Are we not gonna talk about how Venti just entered the 5th dimension and he went through the ceiling at Stormterrors lair?
great Video as always
venti's talents don't affect his swirl whatsoever, only his personal anemo dmg, so don't worry. it's not a huge priority. i'd only focus on his burst. like maybe level it up to 6? since you're ascending so many mond chars you should be picky about the talents you work on or you'll be stuck fighting cryo slimes for months lol
Wait a second, I got to be in a video? That notification was me!
Hi! Just a little question. Is it that u have to use mondstad characters in mondstad or liyue in liyue or is it just mondstad characters? Ty for posting!