How will the Genshin Impact Characters Die?

How will the Genshin impact characters die? None of them will probably die in the timelines of the game, but when they do …


32 thoughts on “How will the Genshin Impact Characters Die?”

  1. Albedo's corruption could also be a cause? Iirc, in his story quest he mentions that he's slowly being corrupted and on the day he became fully corrupted the Traveller would have to stop him. Either that or Susbedo kills him lmao.

  2. I'd expect Baizhu to sacrifice his life to someone dear to him since he sort of gives his literal soul out to people who are dying XD And the snake will run out of Qi energy to save him over and over again

  3. I feel like there is a lot of misconception with this
    For example, Chongyun cannot die from spicy food, however, he can become pretty dangerous (See: Story 3, where he try to exorcised Xiangling), and since he cannot get near any spirit that could make his life on danger, I feel like he'll die from old age
    Kaveh: As long as Alhaitham survive, he'll be ok, I highly doubt Alhaitham is one to fall easily
    Eula: I highly doubt anyone would manage to assassinate her, and Mondstatder are starting to trust her more and more
    Albedo: As one of Gold creation, he is likely to fall into a dream where hell just destroy everything, like Durin and Elynas, since Gold creation either don't realise or realise to late what they are doing, it's likely he'll get killed (Also, Dainsleif said it himself that he'll step in, and I'll doubt he'll try to save Albedo)

    As for the other one, I can't say for sure, however since Albedo and Lisa were mentionned, I guess I can talk about the last one of the "They are 100% going to die trio", being Childe, who will certainly succumb to the Abyss corruption, I mean, he have like, 193 different way to die, but Abyss corruption is the most likely to be the cause of death, he'll maybe kill himself like Ajax as a consequence to it.


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