Genshin Impact Baal kills La Signora! "La Signora Death"


50 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Baal kills La Signora! "La Signora Death"”

  1. Don't worry guys !
    I have 2 news
    Good news
    Signora have been revived at Snezhnaya archon statue, just like how our party being revived

    Bad news
    I hope the good news is true

  2. "Filthy rats… All of you!!!"
    "It's okay Rosalyne, everything is fine now"
    "Rostam? is that you?"
    "Yes darling, it's me. How's your study on Sumeru. I really miss you when you're gone, you know?"
    and the conversation continue while they both walking to the light

  3. Any one else shocked at the way she spoke to Venti and The Shogun. No respect. The way she said, “ I
    am a Fatui Diplomat you know what happens if you touch me.” The Shogun doesn’t care, if someone wants vengeance for Signoras death she’ll just kill them. Then Signora says “I command you.” Her death was earned.

    Side note it’s funny how she thought she could just run up to The Shogun and take her Gnosis like she did to Venti.

  4. Well she got what she deserved, I won't cry after her but that also mean we will have to deal with someone way more annoying than her in rest of our journey. I must say that she was flexing her power quite much despite being only 8 of 11 harbingers. Well actually Tartaglia despite being weakest of them was also flexing pretty much so I guess that's just what they do. Hmm, to be honest I bet that Signioras fight with Venti could be harder than we thought. So I got pretty big brain time and I figured out that reason why Venti lost so easly is that he is archer that's why Signiora freezed his legs, to prevent him from making enough distance to attack or escape. By this I mean he can't be weaker than mere mortal becous if he was then he wouldn't survive archon war, yeah Signiora may be powerful but she's still mortal. Welp I guess in the end Tsaritsa won't do anything becous of her death, thanks to Scaramouche she got what she wanted and Signiora in her eyes could be just low level warrior who became necessary sacrifice. And umm sorry if I sound rude, it's just Signiora was really annoying for me so I hated her.

  5. Before the fight: Insult us and take us for noobs (like always…).
    After the fight: Ask for mercy like a poor girl … She had a big mouth but not many "balls." And to play its relations … The girl loses a fight to the death and insults us again after … Bad loser, you played, you lost. You die and that's it.


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