How much damage Diluc does as a F2P Player – Genshin Impact

In this video i show you how much damage my Diluc does.
After months of grinding i still need some better artifacts and if i’m lucky i will be able to give him a Wolfs Gravestone, other than that there’s no much that can be improved to increase his damage even more.


26 thoughts on “How much damage Diluc does as a F2P Player – Genshin Impact”

  1. I can do 35k damage with melt and im using WGS and also lvl84 but the artifacts im using is not crimson witch of flames cuz i didn't farm on that domain yet for my diluc and my highest damage on diluc is 99k

  2. I have the same constellation, the same talents upgraded the same weapon with the same refinement. But I have 5 piece glad and you should try using sucrose ti bust your damage my record is 50k

  3. Considering you seem to main Diluc, or least know him well, as a fellow f2p player I have a question: is it really that important to care about that "one hit" damage and stats? Isn't it better building to do a sustainable and regular damage?
    Most of the fights in Genshin, other than bosses, are against multiple enemies, where you need dps over time rather than "one big hit", or am I wrong?


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