How Genshin Impact Is Ignoring Its Core Problem – A Retrospective

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Genshin Impact has passed 2 years of launch, and it’s been a very tumultuous path filled with equal parts memorable experiences and frustrating drama. Today I want to have a retrospective analysis on how Genshin has changed from launch to now. Is it better now? Or does it still face the same problems it did when it first started?

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37 thoughts on “How Genshin Impact Is Ignoring Its Core Problem – A Retrospective”

  1. the gameplay mechanic and system, there's barely any improve, they try so much to put on map and story, but didn't touch and maintain anything else that already there, let alone giving new gameplay

    abyss reward that really abyssmal, BP reward that didn't change even once, the number of fargile resin u can save, INEXISTENT LOADOUT SYSTEM even when the number of artifact keep raising

    and then there's still some bunch that defending the status and attacking people that raising feedback

  2. Number tell the most. All of decision they made is base on what number is. They still do fine and core audience love the way game was, I didnt agree that why it has to be this and no improving for end game.Things that happend to me was I comeback every patch just to do story and event spend a little on this and that . If they add something permanent that will increase my playing time and i dont have time to do it, itll be anxiety that they talked. I myself like to complete everything that they gave. ill upset me that i dont have time to do.So the way they gonna change is when number change like core player move to another game (similar kind) and wont comeback but there is no competitor now .

  3. it's been a tough road, that's for sure. from buggy and messy co-op events, from poor security and people hacking accounts, from not being able to convert boss drops and gemstones the quality of life adjustments has improved the game quite alot

    however, the core issue of genshin has not been tackled. to me, it's way too repetitive. get on, do your dailies, spend your resin mostly on artifact farming on the same exact domain over and over again, check the teapot for an impossible achivement and you are done.

    the domains are repetitive. the farming artifacts thing is repetitive, it feels as if i am living the same day over and over again.

  4. ill take an entire patch with no events if it meant next patch we got more permanent end game content at this point theres nothing to do other than build random characters to pass the time

  5. the main problem with this video is you're taking subjective issues and treating them like they're objective core problems with the game. As you said in the beginning of people being unable to come to a consensus on what type of game genshin is, what people want out of a game will be different, some people might want an mmo hyper intensive whale grindfest, but that doesn't mean that's what the game is trying to achieve. saying the game is being held back because its not going the direction you specifically want is being incredibly disingenuous. instead of your castle built on sand analogy, its far more accurate to say its a beautiful castle built on concrete when you'd rather have it be built on bricks. its ok to talk about what you personally like and dislike and what you want, but don't try to mask personal problems by saying they're objective flaws.

  6. Artifact system really needs a fix along with content to check new characters on, or else a good amount of people will just quit wishing, it's just to much of trouble to build new characters

  7. I really don't understand why Hoyo puts so much effort into limited events. Full cutscenes, voice acting, sometimes new areas, entire minigames with their own mechanics and custom UIs…and then after a month or so, sometimes less, it's all gone. Deleted as if it were never there. The only way to know an event happened from inside the game is to see another player using a weapon or pet (or Aloy) in co-op and wondering where they got them. I hate especially that important lore for the game and characters is trapped behind old events. Why is so much effort being placed on limited content? Why are these questlines not made available permanently, and unlock once players reach a certain point in the MSQ? I suppose the concern is space as a mobile title, but I think Genshin has to face that sooner or later, they aren't going to be a mobile title any more. Even if I factory reset my current phone, it wouldn't have the storage for Genshin.

  8. I watched your previous video, saying that HYV is focused too much on "dessert" (events) rather than on the "main course" (being an action rpg open world game).

    I think with the recent news on their interview with gamepost, the game is indeed focused on events. The devs seems only to make an "action rpg open world game" but in reality, they just want players to play events. The combat aspect of the game is the very very least priority.

    HYV should have just made genshin a gacha dating game. 😂

  9. With the announcement of no endgame content ever they are encouraging players to not spend on constellations or 5* refinement because it literally doesn't matter in the end. What a brilliant business decision.

  10. Have been playing since the first Albedo event. For me I feel the quests are extremely long with bits of combat sprinkled in. If there was more combat for quests, I'd probably finish more of it. Most of the time I just want to get back into gameplay due to how long cutscenes are. I love the lore to death, but damn man I just wanna play the game.

  11. I love genshin but I'm not seeing the improvements I want in the game despite doing the surveys so I've decided to stop buying welkin from now on lmfao. it's the first game I ever really took seriously and its kinda disappointing to not see anything come of it even after 2 years. I might eventually stop playing and just wait a few years to start over in a new account

  12. Yeah man

    It's so FRUSTRATING i even quit the game, Genshin is like the perfect game for me, anime style, Open World Action RPG It's just built for me. But the wasting of potential, the lack of long term motivation is make me frustrated i need to quit

  13. So i am a casual player. I found out about Genshin summer 2021 & I have yet to finish Inazuma. So I agree, if you're a new player starting now, you'll never run out of things to do. But IMO this game should be played very casual because it can really suck you in

  14. I wish they would remove unnecessary dialogue in main quests so they can voice act major side quests. Sometimes I can’t believe they pay these actors to say some of the fluff in main quest dialogues. Big side quests like chasm or inazuma not having a single voice line hurts the immersion.

  15. Do you people do anything other than doomposting about Genshin? Even your “positive” takes about genshin are full of backhanded compliments and negging.

  16. I’ve been playing genshin since 2.1 and since than a-lot has changed, at start I never had much experience with gaming let alone an open world one but with genshin the systems are quite easy to play and the plot itself isn’t that much of a struggle to understand and the game itself has a high quality world for a game that’s free for anyone but I wouldn’t recommend it to people who cannot log in once a day, games like genshin are made for the players to play constantly with daily commissions, weekly bosses and much more to keep the players coming back, second I wouldn’t recommend playing with phones or even ipads in some cases, It requires a lot of storage and I wouldn’t recommend it for any android products but I have seen many people play with ipads and the quality itself is actually amazing but like said before it doesn’t apply for every single ipad or even apple products if you have fewer storage or have problems with wifi or internet.

  17. The fact that there is no incentives of battle endgame and the how easy the game is ALL the GACHA expect including artifacts, weapons and characters is not important at all because EVERYONE can complete all in the game with the bare minimum except the spiral Abyss. The only one who complaining is the people who wishes that their characters to be more powerful and meta. Making powerful characters is fun but getting the characters to be powerful quickly and easily will lose interest to grind for it. The gacha system to the artifacts is the lv up grinding process in the game but there's no incentives to do it except just to see the bigger numbers. As this game is made for casuals the game is perfect, as like even in Sumeru, the story is long plus traversing the map with completing the side quests is even more longer with 10+ hours. All these free contents is even equivalent to triple a game titles. Making the presentation, story, gameplay, exploration with occasional events good is just what Genshin needs, other than that is just a plus and without it doesn't really matter except for the meta players or content creators who can easily persuade their communities to agree with them. The game is good as it already is as the updates is quick and large, something that even triple a western studios can't do. Wanting more is good but calling it ignoring its core problem is just not the case as the core game is updating constantly for more than 2 years now. Majority of the people who calling the game has no content not only ignoring the majority of their characters, but I truly doubt they truly completed the game content 100% because as the person who actually completed the game 100% before Sumeru, I get tried of the game easily and wanted to quit, that's why from now on I'll play it sparingly as core of the game intended and now I'm having a lot of fun with the game.

    The core gameplay of Genshin is already exist in the game because the story, presentation, exploration and characters is the core of the game, everything else is just a plus and not that important especially for a free to play gacha game.

    Similar as Pokemon when they added new region and new pokemon, they just call it a new game and people pay to play the game. Genshin is no different, just add new region and new characters, people will keep playing the game. The longevity of game is alread proven after 2 years has passed, and they will keep doing the same as the game will be successful. Maybe some old players will drop the game but new players will fill their shoes as well as some old players will pick it up again and this cycle will make the game successful very longevity.

  18. Genshin is something like this, the very first time you visit pizza shop, you taste pizza, you eat it, and you declare that pizza is the most delicious food that you've ever eaten, you claim that you could it everyday and tons of it. But in reality, there will be time and a certain point you will dislike pizza, you despise it, because it is what you consume day to day, you getting boring about it, no matter what the topping is.
    I was a middle-class spender in Genshin, 1 shot everything, I feel proud of it, but day to day that is what I do, dailies, events, and spam 'f'.. there is a certain point I had enough of Genshin, when Tower of Fantasy came, I give it a try, looking at another player doing the same stuff with me and things, just like a refreshment, then I looked back at the pizza shop, you might be wanna eat pizza once in a while, but not as much as you did in the past.
    Genshin is good when the 1st time I played it, I become attach to it, so much so, that I have big hopes to it, but those hopes are not coming to reality, I can only treasure the moment I spent with Genshin, but I don't wanna play it anymore, because to me, I have enough.

  19. i love genshin. im not new baby or old player, its like 9 months. f2p.
    I was like "ok i give it try" and im in love with ppl and the story. and yeah, im the speed runner, like now its 2 weeks and im done and now i dont have better stuff to do… faming everything, mining ores, doing teapot, fishing etc.

  20. Every single survey that comes around I tell them to stop with the bullshit temporary minigames, they are quite frankly boring and exhausting to keep up with and the thing I love best about Genshin is the story / lore / world-building but every patch they add more and more of mini events so I've just had enough. Game refuses to change for the better and listen to player feedback.

  21. As I was playing the boar-catching event for the Weinlesefest event, there was one thing I couldn't get out of my head: "Why am I constantly having to learn new, temporary gimmicks? Why can't they put that effort into improving the core gameplay instead?"

    I generally liked the rhythm game event because I liked rhythm games. But compared to dedicated rhythm games, even the 'pro' difficulty was barely 'medium'. If I wanted to play an actually good rhythm game, I would go play a rhythm game. I play Genshin because I want to play Genshin. I wish Genshin would focus on what it already has instead of chasing after gimmicks.

  22. I think you got one thing wrong in this video. Genshin Impact isn't "an open world adventure RPG first and foremost." It's a mobile style gacha game with a triple A open world RPG skin first and foremost. The die hard endgame optimizing 1000s of dedicated hour playing players minmaxing and picking apart every minute detail are not their target audience. Their target audience are the casual players who only play a few hours at most every day or two. The ones who feel pressured by the clock at the bottom of the gacha banners ticking down, threating to take away their chance to unlock the cool new character they just met in the story. While yes it would be nice for them to add some more permanent content that challenges players (I'd particularly like some co-op exclusive bosses/raids) that is secondary to appeasing the casual market, which is SIGNIFICANTLY bigger than players like you or I.

  23. This video somehow made me realise my biggest gripe with Genshin. Why are the only activities available to veterans (ppl who've practically 100% maps) just random side games??? They give us an interactive world with extremely fun battle mechanics that continue to evolve the more characters we get. And yet the events that are supposed to tide us over as we wait for new areas and maps are just mini games that sometimes don't even combat at all or are so trivial it hurts (like that kamera one..). It's like Splatoon making new levels for that arcade music game in-between Splatfests lol. So strange. I really wish they'd fix the resin system. That way people who are more combat focused can at least fight to their hearts content and farm for stuff.

    I guess it's not a super crazy revelation. But I was never really one for mini games and I see now why I typically don't like Genshin events. It definitely hurts more now that we know they're not planning on doing more with the one thing that makes genshin so interesting – the combat and elemental systems

  24. personally, i think genshin is great. nothing is locked behind a paywall or anything—events are all free to do and all other kinds of features and quests, with enough time investment you can essentially reach the level of high-level spenders as an F2P with ur characters. for me, it keeps me engaged long-term because of the art, music and extensive lore, i like to write stories and draw stuff with heavy inspiration from genshin impact. anyway, those are my personal thoughts

  25. I am genuinely happy that Genshin is a "casual" gatcha, i get very invested in the stuff i like and thus im an easy target for gatchas. I wont spend money recklessly, but i will spend a lot of time and not being able to get the units i want is very frustrating to me, so the main reason i decided to try Genshin is that it's "casual". What finally made me download the video was the content creators saying you can play for 15-20 minutes a day and do everything you need to do.

    But i think Genshin is trying too hard to stay casual, i love the game now and i'd like some more rewarding endgame content to be there, as long as there's not a large amounts of rewards behind it (or FOMO will kick in). I genuinely like the combat system (like most players) but i feel like it's somewhat wasted, if the only endgame goal is to 36* abyss and i could to that 4 months into the game without spending nor crazy grinding it makes the game feel hollow.

    The problem is that this is very clear to Hoyo and they'd definitely have the resources and the idea to implement it, so if they dont we can only assume they dont want to.


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