Has Natlan RUINED Genshin Impact ? Paywalling QOL & The WEIRDEST Character Designs Since Launch

Lets discuss the current drama about mavuikas motorbike, and hoyoverses direction with natlan’s newest characters designs & locking QOL behind a paywall – also giving them the most absurd & questionable abilities that break the fantasy immersion genshin has build the last years.

Source of Gacha Gamers Video: https://youtu.be/gXx4_vV_IiE?si=BdhICd2Pm0BFZjkW

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49 thoughts on “Has Natlan RUINED Genshin Impact ? Paywalling QOL & The WEIRDEST Character Designs Since Launch”

  1. Natlan has been such a disappointment for me. The story, the characters, the waifu barrage… Such a huge downgrade from Fontaine. I really doubt they can pull the story together in the last act and I just do not care even if they do.

    The only things keeping my hopes up in enjoying the game are Capitano, Ifa, and Xbalanque but I know I'm in for a huge let down…

  2. this fucking sucks actually > natlan < literal coolest thing ever
    genshin's fantastical setting stopped being consistent long before natlan, guns already exist in teyvat
    you don't need to pull natlan characters to explore natlan, the saurians are there and easily findable
    not a single bit of QoL paywalled
    what drama is there bruh?

    immediately switching to a genshin #1 hater after wuwa released instead of just being normal and accepting both are good games💀
    I don't play wuwa, I found it a bit boring, but I don't go on a spree of hate towards it and whoever plays it, especially for the most insignificant issues

  3. I don’t understand the problem with pulling Natlan characters. A F2P can pull around 5-6 new characters per year (per region), so that’s either a whole new team each region or your favorite characters with cons or weapons. Do people not know how to save wishes and plan ahead?

  4. Bro dont play that game if u dont like play wuwa natlan is a good nation and it kinda sucks we cant use their characters outside natlan which is not good but the area is one of the best area so far cuz its small and its fun srsly guys play wuwa no one is stopping you hoyo are gaame makers they need to sell their characters after some time wuwa will also do the same hsr also do this they make the burst pretty or amazing and when u actually pull the character they are just not good 😂😂guys srsly get a life why fight over 2 games whoose ceo makes millions everyday?

  5. When Fontaine came out it was when i knew they were going downhill cuz region-locked character things just made things kinda annoying but when natlan first hit and the first unit that dropped was pretty much 10x better than the normal saurians i knew this game is going to be toast cuz locking QOL is rlly bad…who would have thought.

  6. Maybe valid criticism but for me, the game is even more fun now. Kinich quadruple webslings feels great. Chasca flight is great for my other non-wanderer account. New region has been huge to make the most of the new travel mechanics

  7. Ngl when the first Natlan trailer dropped, my friends and I thought the region was like a Theme Park. Even the mention of an on-going tournament made us hopeful it's the Traveler's Shonen Tournament Arc. And oh yeah, side quest animations got progressively worse as white text over background describing the event has gotten prevalent–these animations peaked in 1.0 sadly

  8. You know in game we have phlogiston with a vast potential ONLY available in natlan. genshin is a fancy game bro, so the developers can incorporate any possible ideas. You know wakana thing in mcu? primitive vibe with a high tech devices with a use of rare vibranium.

  9. I don't know about the bike looking like something from Tron. Actually it's designed to look like a dragon. Even the transparent shader on it is a dragon's head that opens it's mouth when she does wheelies. I mean they did say the dragons were the most advanced. I really don't have an issue with it. Imma still roll for her. To each their own.

  10. Natlan sure seems like the most out of place map in Genshin compared to other nations. Even the Archon quest is very underwhelming and not as fleshed out like Sumeru and Fontaine. It feels rushed and forced. The character designs and character writing is also very bad

    OchkaNatlan is the only map that feels like Genshin and has deep mystery and lore behind it. I actually liked it a lot chasing the dragon and going above the skies

  11. I dont see a problem with characters having more exploration mechanics, we literally have saurians which are still good free options.
    Also, theres people complaining that genshin needs to sell their characters? What kind of argument is that? Every gacha game in history needs to sell their characters, thats the point of the game.

  12. I am so disappointed as this was supposed to be my nation. My culture finally getting explored…and got literally none of that.

    I was expecting more tribal and warrior designs like Iansan…but not a single other character even looks like they're from Natlan, much less Genshin in of itself.

  13. I'm fine with natlan before they released Chasca tbh
    Flying gun is too ridiculous
    And they also have jetpack in natlan???
    Fucking ridiculous
    I don't care about all the dragon/old world technology tbh, it still feel out of place here

  14. yoyoverse had to find a way to recycle assets from zzz and hsr, gods forbit they create something even remotely original, Dawei could have a stroke or something. This aside, i've unistalled genshin a year ago, after yet again, a stupid socondary quest blocked the access to fontaine archon quest, after activating while exploring ( so, no, i did not trigger that quest deliberately and no, the early access to archon quests does not set free characters " busy in other things" or some bs). Best decision ever made: a PC that is yoyoverse free.

  15. NGL, they did natlan dirty. Like I know, they can do better, but the design is meh. Like hello! Aztec, Inca, and Maya (etc) mythology is so interesting, but they didn't display the potential.

  16. For people who said oh u dont need these new characters to explore natlan. Here is an example from real life. Imagine u travel by walking and bike. And then ur destination became further and further. Guess what? u will need to get a car or a motor or airplane, because its easier and time saving and less painful to travel. Sure u can still walk or bike but think about the time needed. Its the same shit for natlan characters right now.

  17. Unironically, if you're still playing Genshin in the age where there is Wuwa, HSR or ZZZ then i honestly cant' even feel sorry for you. Not only that, you literally associate yoruself with the absolute worst gacha gaming community too. Like, it's straight up masochism at this point.

  18. There's nothing wrong with advanced technologies in high-fantasy genres. In fact, most books I've read I loved concepts like that. Sumeru and Fontaine did it well, the technologies aren't out of place and make sense, immersing you further to the lore and giving more color to the world. Natlan however, is a complete mess. technologies that have no connections to lore are suddenly thrown at you to make it more popular, have no connections to the lore and don't make sense.

    Suspension of disbelief can only go so far, and for me who had read many novels, books and webnovels, my tolerance is quite high. The direction they took made me quit the game even though I've played it since day one. Death of consistency is a slow and gradual thing, or that's what I thought. Genshin proved me wrong, it seems. I never thought there would be a day where i would hate this game so much.

  19. I was worried about it for a while but now Infinity Nikki exists so I'm like "yeah, whatever, I'll just play that instead".
    You know, if Genshin's characters kits are going to be a disappointing, clunky, buggy, underwhelming yet still somehow powercreeping but also region locked mess, I might as well just play a game where they can't ruin gameplay by limiting character kits because there aren't any character kits in the first place and the gacha only has clothes and accessories instead.


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